Altine Ibrahim chairs NBA Damaturu caretaker committee following annulment of inaugurated EXCO 


Altine Ibrahim chairs NBA Damaturu caretaker committee following annulment of inaugurated EXCO 

The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) has appointed Altine Ibrahim as Chairman, Usman Ismail Belel as Secretary and Salisu Lawan as Member of the Caretaker Committee for Damaturu Branch, following the annulment of the newly sworn-in/inaugurated EXCO on 16 August 2024.

The appointment was announced in a statement issued by NBA President, Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau, OON SAN, and obtained by Neptune Prime.

The statement said the NBA Branch Election Appeal Committee (North) set aside the election of Branch executives for NBA Damaturu Branch held on 10 August 2024 for having not been conducted in compliance with the Uniform Byelaws for Branches contained in the Third Schedule to the NBA Constitution, 2015 (as Amended in 2021).

READ ALSO: Appeal Committee nullifies NBA Damaturu Branch election outcome

According to the statement, all actions and/or steps taken during the pendency of the Petition before the Branch Election Appeal Committee, including but not limited to the purported Swearing-in/Inauguration of a purported new Executive Committee (EXCO) pursuant to the election of 10 August 2024, are null, void and of no effect whatsoever.

According to the statement, the appointment of the caretaker committee became necessary when the tenure of the Branch Executive Committee (EXCO), led by Abubakar Alhaji Shehu, Esq, elapsed on 15 August 2024 with an inability to conduct a valid Branch election before the expiration of the tenure of the said Executive Committee resulting in a vacancy in the leadership of the Branch.

The statement read, “The Caretaker Committee shall administer the affairs of the Branch beginning from today, Sunday, 18 August 2024, and shall, not later than 48 hours from the date of this notice, announce the date for the election of new officers of the branch and call for nominations.

“The election shall be fixed and conducted in strict compliance with the provisions of Sections 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the Uniform Bye Laws.

“I direct the outgone Chairman, Mr Abubakar Alhaji Shehu and members of the former executive committee of Damaturu Branch whose tenure ended on 15 August 2024, and/or members of the EXCO whose election/inauguration has been nullified, to FORTHWITH hand-over ALL documents, monies, and properties howsoever described, belonging to the Branch, to the Caretaker Committee. The hand-over shall be completed within 7 days from today.

“Note that failure to hand over as directed herein shall amount to gross misconduct and liable to be reported to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee (LPDC).

“I thank members of the Committee for graciously accepting this responsibility and urge them to discharge their duties in accordance with law, without fear or favour.

“Members of the Branch are enjoined to give the Caretaker Committee maximum support and cooperation to ensure smooth transition to a new leadership in the Branch,” the NBA President said.

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