Arik Air’s remaining fleet not suspended – NCAA

Arik Air’s remaining fleet not suspended - NCAA

Arik Air’s remaining fleet not suspended – NCAA

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has clarified that Arik Air’s flight operations have not been suspended and continue as scheduled. The suspension previously announced pertains only to specific aircraft and does not affect the airline’s overall fleet.

In a statement released by Michael Achimugu, NCAA Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection, it was emphasized that the NCAA is obligated to comply with a court order affecting three Arik Air aircraft (5NMJF, 5NMJQ, and 5NBKX) following a Supreme Court ruling. This compliance ensures adherence to regulatory and safety standards.

“Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) refers to the grounding of three (3) Arik Air aircraft following a court order or attachment.

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It is important to clarify that the action does not include the suspension of Arik Air’s overall operations by either the NCAA or the Federal Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace Development, as claimed in some quarters,” the statement read.

The NCAA appreciated the public’s understanding and patience as Arik Air works to resolve the situation with minimal disruption.

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  1. Did the Court specifically ask that the aircrafts be detained? If so by who? Otherwise is it not extra judicially and illegally acting on the basis of “suspicion” than proof or law? Isn’t that a typical vindictive backward illegitimate abuse of power and exceeding delegated authority?


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