Lady flogs, strips friend naked for sleeping with boyfriend

Lady flogs, strips friend naked for sleeping with boyfriend

Lady flogs, strips friend naked for sleeping with boyfriend

Pretty Goddess, a young woman, has been accused of violently assaulting her friend, Debit Queen, over alleged involvement with her boyfriend. The assault, which took place at a Calabar hotel, was recorded and later posted online, causing widespread outrage.

According to reports, Pretty Goddess invited Debit Queen to the hotel under the guise of a friendly visit. Once there, Debit Queen was attacked by Pretty Goddess and her friends, who flogged her, stripped her naked, and recorded the incident. The disturbing videos of the assault have been trending on social media, prompting severe public condemnation.

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Debit Queen, who has denied any involvement with Pretty Goddess’s boyfriend, Ralph, recounted her ordeal in a video shared online. She expressed her shock and disbelief at the brutal treatment she received.

Pretty Goddess admitted to the attack but claimed it was a result of her anger upon discovering that Debit Queen had been in contact with Ralph. She apologised for the incident, stating that the violence was not premeditated and expressing regret for the public sharing of the videos.

The Cross River State Police, led by Commissioner Augustine Grimah, have launched an investigation into the incident. The police have condemned the act and are seeking to bring the perpetrators to justice, while urging vigilance from hotels to prevent such occurrences.

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