Al-Khansaa’: The poetess who turned grief into glory

Al-Khansaa': The poetess who turned grief into glory

Al-Khansaa’: The poetess who turned grief into glory

Al-Khansaa’, whose real name was Tumadhir bint ‘Amr ibn Ash-Shareed, is a remarkable figure in the history of Islam. Known for her exceptional poetry and profound faith, she rose to prominence during the pre-Islamic era and later became an inspiring model for Muslim women after embracing Islam. Her life was one of sorrow, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion to Allah.

A Poetess of Unmatched Talent

Al-Khansaa’ was widely regarded as one of the greatest female poets in Arab history. According to experts of Arabic literature, no woman’s poetry was as rich in knowledge and eloquence as hers. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) admired her poetry, often asking her to recite it before him. Her most renowned verses were laments for her two brothers, Sakhr and Mu‘awiyah, who were killed in tribal battles during the pre-Islamic period. Her words resonated with deep grief and love for her siblings, especially for her brother Sakhr, for whom she wrote numerous elegies that touched the hearts of all who heard them.

Embracing Islam and Transforming Her Life

Al-Khansaa’ spent much of her life in the pre-Islamic era, but when Islam emerged, she embraced the new faith wholeheartedly. She was part of a delegation from her tribe, Banu Sulaym, that went to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to accept Islam. Her transition from a grieving sister to a devoted Muslim was profound, and her faith in Allah and His Messenger became central to her life.

Her commitment to Islam was not just personal but also extended to her family. She encouraged her sons to fight in the cause of Allah, showing her deep belief in the message of the Quran and the rewards of the hereafter.

The Battle of Qadisiyyah: A Mother’s Ultimate Sacrifice

The pinnacle of Al-Khansaa’s devotion came during the Battle of Qadisiyyah in 16 AH. She accompanied her four sons to the battlefield, and on the night before the battle, she gave them a stirring speech. Reminding them of their faith, she said, “O my sons! You have embraced Islam willingly and emigrated freely. By Allah, you are the sons of one man and one woman. I have never betrayed your father nor disgraced your maternal uncle. You know the reward that Allah has prepared for Muslims, and the everlasting abode is better than this perishable life.”

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She urged them to fight with courage, to seek the support of Allah, and to be fearless in battle. Her words were not just advice but a testament to her deep faith and understanding of sacrifice. Her sons responded to her call with bravery, fighting fiercely and reciting poetry as they engaged in combat. All four of them were martyred in the battle, fulfilling their mother’s wishes.

When news of their martyrdom reached her, Al-Khansaa’ did not break down in sorrow. Instead, she praised Allah for the honor of her sons’ deaths in His cause, saying, “Praise be to Allah who honored me with their martyrdom. I hope He will unite me with them in the resting place of His mercy.” Her faith was so steadfast that ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) continued to give her the stipend of her four sons until his death, recognizing her incredible sacrifice.

A Life Changed by Islam

Before Islam, Al-Khansaa’s life was marked by grief, particularly after the death of her beloved brother Sakhr. She composed many poems in his memory, and her mourning was profound. Yet, after embracing Islam, she found a greater purpose. Her love for her children, as deep as it was, did not surpass her devotion to Allah. Islam transformed her grief into a higher form of sacrifice, allowing her to transcend her personal losses in the hope of eternal reward.

Al-Khansaa’ was not just a poetess; she became a symbol of strength, faith, and resilience. Her ability to place her trust in Allah, even in the face of such immense personal loss, exemplified the transformative power of Islam. She went from lamenting the death of her brother to offering her sons in the cause of truth, all while maintaining her dignity and unwavering belief.

Faith and Strength

One day, Al-Khansaa’ visited ‘Aa’ishah, the Mother of the Believers (may Allah be pleased with her), while wearing a vest made of hair. ‘Aa’ishah informed her that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had forbidden the wearing of such clothing. Al-Khansaa’ explained that she wore it as a tribute to her brother Sakhr, who had generously supported her in the past. He had given her the better half of his wealth when she sought his help, and in her grief after his death, she wore the vest to honor his memory. This small story exemplifies her deep sense of loyalty and love for her family, traits that carried over into her devotion to Islam.

Al-Khansaa’s life serves as an inspiration for generations of Muslims, particularly women. Her journey from being a grieving sister to a mother who sacrificed her sons in the path of Allah reflects the power of faith to transform lives. She demonstrated how Islam not only changes one’s outlook on life but also offers solace, purpose, and strength even in the most challenging times.


Al-Khansaa’ remains a shining example of a woman whose life was defined by eloquence, faith, and sacrifice. Her poetry, once a tool for expressing personal grief, became a testament to the transformative power of Islam. She is remembered not only for her poetic genius but also for her unwavering belief in Allah and her willingness to sacrifice her most beloved for the greater cause of truth and righteousness.

Her legacy continues to inspire generations, showing that through faith, patience, and devotion, one can transcend personal afflictions and contribute to a greater good. Al-Khansaa’ truly exemplifies the strength of a Muslim woman, whose story of faith and sacrifice will be remembered for centuries to come.

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