Court remands father of 4 to ponder on ways he can provide for his children

Court remands lawyer for alleged murder, disruption

Court remands father of 4 to ponder on ways he can provide for his children

A Shari’a Court in Kaduna on Wednesday ordered the remand of Musa Hussaini for some hours for him to think about how he will provide money for the upkeep of his four children.

Earlier, the petitioner, a mother of four, Hajara Sani prayed the court to help her recover some of her properties from Hussaini.

She told the court that Hussaini sold her two chairs and a television and also pushed her into selling her bed.

“I gave him the money I got from selling the bed shortly before he divorced me.

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“I want the court to confirm the three pronouncement of divorce Hussaini made to me. I also want the court to order my former husband to be responsible for the upkeep of our four children,” she said.

On his part, Hussaini confirmed making three pronouncements of divorce at intervals, adding that he sold the items with the complainant’s consent in order to repair his working tools as a vulcaniser.

He said he sold the TV and chairs for N5,000 and received N6,500 from the complainant after the bed was sold.

He prayed the court allow him pay in instalments.

“I will give her N2,000 weekly”, he said.

When asked about the welfare of his children, he said he had no provision for them for now.

The Judge, Malam Mukhtar Aliyu, ordered the remand of the defendant for some hours so that he will ponder on how to provide for his children.

He adjourned until Sept. 25 for further hearing.

Proofreading and Editing by Gift Luckson and Hafsat Aleeyu Muye, Editor at Neptune Prime

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