Private hospitals demand inclusion in electricity tariff subsidy

Private hospitals demand inclusion in electricity tariff subsidy

Private hospitals demand inclusion in electricity tariff subsidy

The Association of Nigerian Private Medical Practitioners (ANPMP) has called on the Federal Government to extend its electricity tariff subsidy to private hospitals.

The appeal was made in a statement by the association’s National President, Dr. Kayode Adesola, and Secretary, Dr. Debo Adebiyi, on Thursday in Lagos.

The association argues that including private hospitals in the subsidy scheme would help them maintain affordability and accessibility, given that private facilities provide approximately 70% of healthcare services in Nigeria.

The leaders highlighted that private hospitals face significant financial strain due to high electricity costs, which constitute over 40% of their overheads.

READ ALSO: FG announces 50% electricity subsidy for public hospitals

“We have long advocated for a subsidy on electricity tariffs for all health facilities,” the statement read. “If the government provides a 50% subsidy for public hospitals, private hospitals should receive between 75% to 100% due to their significant energy costs and the low financial capacity of their patients.”

The association expressed concern that many private hospitals have shut down or experienced staff attrition due to economic pressures exacerbated by inflation. They praised the government’s initiative to subsidise electricity for public hospitals but urged that private facilities not be excluded from this support.

“Private hospitals have served the public for over a century and should not be neglected now when we seek support,” they said. “Equitable access to the subsidy would ultimately benefit the general population, given that private hospitals provide crucial humanitarian services.”

The Federal Government had recently approved a 50% electricity subsidy for public hospitals, aiming to reduce operational costs and ease financial pressures on patients.

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