Beyond religion why Nigeria should support Palestinian resistance, by Haroon Abdullahi

Beyond religion why Nigeria should support Palestinian resistance?, by Haroon Abdullahi 
Haroon Abdullahi

Beyond religion why Nigeria should support Palestinian resistance, by Haroon Abdullahi

Nigeria’s support for the Palestinian resistance can be based on several factors that go beyond religious affiliation. Here are some reasons why Nigeria could back Palestinian resistance without involving religion:

1. Human Rights and Justice

Nigeria has a rich history of advocating for the rights of oppressed peoples. This is rooted in its own struggle for independence from colonial rule. Supporting the Palestinian cause on the grounds of human rights aligns with Nigeria’s long-standing opposition to colonialism, apartheid, and injustice. The Palestinian fight is often seen as a struggle for self-determination, sovereignty, and freedom from occupation. These are principles that Nigeria has consistently championed. By backing Palestine, Nigeria upholds its legacy of fighting against oppression. It also reinforces its commitment to global justice and human dignity. This support strengthens Nigeria’s position as a defender of freedom and as a voice for those seeking independence and equal rights on the world stage.

2. Solidarity with Global South

As a key player in the Global South, Nigeria has frequently shown solidarity with nations resisting imperialism and occupation. Supporting Palestine aligns with Nigeria’s broader geopolitical stance. It reflects Nigeria’s commitment to opposing external control and fighting global inequalities. This position is particularly important given Nigeria’s own history of colonialism. By standing with Palestine, Nigeria continues its legacy of challenging oppression and supporting the rights of the oppressed. It also reinforces Nigeria’s role as a leading voice in the Global South, advocating for fairness and justice on the international stage. Additionally, this support helps strengthen Nigeria’s relationships with other nations fighting for independence and equality.

3. African Unity and the African Union’s Position

The African Union (AU) has consistently backed the Palestinian cause. It views this support as part of Africa’s broader opposition to foreign occupation and apartheid. As a key member of the AU, Nigeria naturally aligns with this stance. By standing with Palestine, Nigeria reinforces its commitment to African unity and solidarity. This support also enhances Nigeria’s leadership role on matters of international justice within the continent. Furthermore, it positions Nigeria as a strong advocate for human rights and self-determination, strengthening its influence in African diplomacy. By championing this cause, Nigeria also bolsters its image as a defender of oppressed peoples and a promoter of global fairness.

4. International Law and Advocacy for Peace

Nigeria is a member of the United Nations and has consistently supported international law. This includes the right to self-determination and the pursuit of peace. The occupation of Palestinian territories is widely regarded as a breach of international law and several UN resolutions. By advocating for Palestinian rights, Nigeria would reaffirm its commitment to these legal standards. This stance also aligns with Nigeria’s broader dedication to justice and global peace. Supporting Palestine in this way strengthens Nigeria’s role in promoting international legal norms and reinforces its reputation as a defender of oppressed nations on the world stage. Additionally, it positions Nigeria as an active voice in global diplomacy, contributing to long-term stability and fairness.

5. Strategic Diplomatic Interests

By backing the Palestinian resistance, Nigeria can deepen its diplomatic relationships with numerous nations in the Arab world and beyond. This backing could offer both political and economic advantages for Nigeria. The country already maintains solid connections with various Middle Eastern nations, many of which endorse the Palestinian cause. Strengthening these bonds could elevate Nigeria’s standing in global affairs. It would also create opportunities for economic collaboration, trade deals, and strategic alliances in the region. Moreover, Nigeria’s support could enhance its leadership within Africa on international matters.

6. Promoting Non-Religious, Humanitarian Aid

Nigeria’s support for Palestine could focus on humanitarian efforts. It could help displaced Palestinians with aid, healthcare, education, and development programs. This approach emphasizes human solidarity over religious motivations. It also allows Nigeria to contribute to global peace and development efforts.

7. Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) Principles

Nigeria has a history of alignment with the principles of the Non-Alignment Movement. This movement opposes interference by powerful states in the sovereignty of other nations. Supporting Palestinian resistance aligns with Nigeria’s stance against imperialism. It also reflects Nigeria’s advocacy for national sovereignty.

In conclusion, the Nigerian government and its people, including Muslims, Christians, and those of other faiths, can support the Palestinian resistance from several key perspectives. These include human rights, international law, diplomatic interests, and historical principles. This support does not need to invoke religion. Nigeria can frame its position based on universal values such as justice, self-determination, and anti-colonialism. These values strongly reflect Nigeria’s own history of resistance to colonialism and its stance in global affairs. By focusing on these shared ideals, Nigeria can unite its diverse population in a cause that promotes fairness and global peace, reinforcing its role as a champion of justice on the international stage.


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