Iran: US, Western allies prolonged war by sending arms to Ukraine

Iran: US, Western allies prolonged war by sending arms to Ukraine

Iran: US, Western allies prolonged war by sending arms to Ukraine

Iran has strongly condemned the United States, Britain, and France, accusing them of prolonging the Ukraine war through extensive arms supplies to Kyiv.

Iran’s representative to the United Nations, Amir Saeid Iravani, issued a firm rebuke in a letter to the UN Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council on September 4, 2024, following coordinated accusations by the Western nations that Iran was involved in aiding Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine.

In his letter, Iravani dismissed the accusations as “entirely baseless,” asserting that Iran has not provided weapons or military support to Russia, contrary to what the Western nations have suggested.

“Iran categorically rejects any allegations suggesting its involvement in the sale, export, or transfer of arms to Russia in violation of its international commitments,” Iravani wrote, adding that the claims were “misleading and unfounded,” serving only the “narrow and shortsighted political agendas” of these countries.

The accusations were made during a UN Security Council meeting on August 30, where the U.S., UK, and French representatives criticized Iran, alleging it had violated arms agreements by supporting Russia in Ukraine.

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Iravani responded that it was, in fact, the U.S. and its allies who have continued to intensify the conflict by supplying sophisticated weaponry to Ukraine, prolonging the crisis and inflicting harm on civilians and infrastructure in the region.

“It is both ironic and hypocritical that these nations, directly involved in the Ukraine conflict and significantly contributing to its escalation through the supply of advanced weaponry, would boldly make such baseless claims against Iran,” Iravani said in his statement. “The United States and its allies cannot deny the undeniable reality that their provision of advanced weaponry has prolonged the war in Ukraine.”

Iravani went on to label the U.S. as the “primary advocate and propagator of terrorism” worldwide, further accusing Washington of supporting “the most dangerous terrorist regime in the world” — a reference to Israel. He argued that the U.S. and its allies’ actions in Ukraine are part of a broader pattern of regional destabilization driven by Western interests.

The exchange highlights the ongoing geopolitical divide between Iran, a close ally of Russia, and Western powers who have been actively supporting Ukraine since Russia’s invasion began in February 2022. Russia has repeatedly cautioned against Western arms transfers to Ukraine, claiming that they only serve to escalate the conflict.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iravani emphasized that Iran’s foreign policy is aligned with international peace and stability, asserting that Tehran is not involved in the conflict. He further urged the international community to recognise the role of Western arms supplies in hindering diplomatic solutions to the crisis.

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