The love story of a Tailor cum Customs officer

The love story of a Tailor cum Customs officer
A Customs officer with his beautiful wife

The love story of a Tailor cum Customs officer

In this episode of NP’S Family Dynamics with Eesher, an officer shared with us his love story rooted in perseverance and loyalty.

“Dear Sis Eesher

I started dating my wife (then girlfriend) in 2014. I was 19 years old and in my first year at Polytechnic, while she was 15 years old and in SS1. After 9 wonderful years, we got married in January 2023.

When she finished secondary school, she got admission into a university far from my state. Even though I didn’t see her every day, I used to visit her house at least once a week and spend a few minutes in the place where we used to hang out. That was the only thing that gave me relief.

There was a time her friend called me from school on the first of April, telling me that my girlfriend had died. She was sick at the time, and I almost fainted. Her friend had to tell me the truth—that it was an April Fool’s joke—before I came back to my senses.

Sometimes, when the longing became too much, I would start having palpitations and chest pains, just like in the movies. On her part, it took her almost one session to start concentrating in school because she missed me so much. After a full session, we were finally able to start coping well.

She was in her final year at university when I formally asked for her hand in marriage, though everyone in her house already knew me.

I was a tailor, and she came from a well-to-do family, MashaAllah. Her family is polygamous, full of competition between wives and siblings. There were rich and classy suitors interested in her, but she always declined their requests because of me.

I’m a hustler—I sponsored myself from my diploma to my first degree with money from my tailoring work. In her family, only her mum genuinely supported our relationship, but her stepmothers were happy that she was going to marry a tailor and “suffer in poverty.”

After our wedding was fixed, I got an offer from the Nigeria Customs Service, which led to postponing the date because I had to attend training.

It was after I passed out from training that the wedding finally took place. Many people were talking behind our backs, saying the classy and wealthy girl was going to end up with a tailor, not knowing I had become a commissioned officer.

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We are now happily married. Not every man is this lucky, as my wife is extremely caring and respectful. She’s religious, God-fearing, and an excellent cook. She prepares numerous dishes with passion, and if I ate ten times a day, she would willingly cook ten different delicacies.

May Allah continue to bless my beautiful wife and our union in general.”

Dear Anonymous

Thank you for sharing such a touching and inspiring story. It’s rare to come across a love that endures trials, distance, and external pressures as beautifully as yours has. Your journey from being a hardworking tailor to becoming a commissioned officer while holding on to the love of your life is truly remarkable.

Your relationship was built on genuine love, mutual respect, and patience. The loyalty your wife showed through the years, choosing you despite the pressures from suitors and her family’s expectations, speaks volumes about the deep connection you both share. And for you, the way you hustled to build a future and remained devoted to her, even in difficult times, is a testament to your strength and character.

May Allah continue to bless your marriage with happiness, love, and understanding. You are both examples of what it means to believe in each other and trust in God’s plans. May your union grow stronger with each passing day, and may your love be a guiding light to others.

Warm regards,
Sis Eesher

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