Cleric dismayed over the high rate of sexual abuse in Jigawa


The Chief Imam of Hadejia central mosque, Sheikh Yusuf Abdurahman, has raised alarm over the reported cases of rampant sexual abuse on children and women across the state.

The Imam disclosed this at a two-day stakeholder’s meeting to validate the draft bill on the ‘Violence Against Persons Prohibition’ (VAPP) bill held at the Manpower Development Institute, Dutse‎.

He said the state was identified as one amongst states with rampant rape cases against women and minors.

“An alarming number of children are regularly being Sexually abused by persons who are supposed to protect them” he stated.

Yusuf said the government must ensure the strict adherence of laws against perpetrators to serve as deterrent to others that derive pleasure in such heinous acts.

“Government is supposed to be stronger than any individual person and when such culprits are seen to be above the law then the society will no longer remain safe especially for our children.”

At the end of the meeting, the stakeholders in a communique recommended that the VAPP bill when passed should reduce constant violation of children while the punishment of offenders should be made effective and monitored.

The communiqué also raised the need for the establishment of more sexual assault referral centers in the state with the deployment of focal persons to General hospitals, who will be trained to ease the services offered in support of violation cases.


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