TAGIS holds town hall meeting with traditional institutions in Taraba


TAGIS holds town hall meeting with traditional institutions in Taraba

Story from Ahmed USMAN, Jalingo

Taraba State Geographic Information System has held a town hall meeting with traditional institution ahead of the commencement of it property records capturing of landed property.

The town hall meeting took place at Kona Garu, a suburb of Jalingo, the Taraba State capital and was attended by several traditional leaders.

Addressing the gathering, the Programme Manager, Taraba state office of Geographic Information System, Surveyor Mark Joshua Ma’aku, told the participants that the intention of government for the project is to ensure overall development of all nook and crannies of the state.

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He said the programme has kicked off earlier in some local government areas of the state and has several benefits for the local people as it will address problem of land grapping and dispute.

Mark Joshua added that since the commencement of the Programme, it was rated as first and excellent by the world bank ranking and rating.

He asked them to cooperate with the Staff of the project that would move from house to house for data capturing.

Participants at the meeting took turns to asked questions on gray areas and answers were provided.

Earlier, the Management Staff of the agency were at the palace of the Kuru Kona, Augustine Njemang Vengkani, and they briefed the royal father about their mission. On his part the Kuru Kona lauded the vision of the programme and promised to support it success.

The team were also at the office of the chairman of Jalingo local government area Abdulnaseer Boboji to appreciate his support to the success of the programme in Jalingo.


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