Yobe Gov’t partners Egyptian firm to establish meat processing plant

Gov. Buni reviews night curfew from 11.00p.m to 12.00 midnight 
His Excellency, Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State.

Yobe Gov’t partners Egyptian firm to establish meat processing plant

Story from Sa’adatu MIANA, Damaturu

Arrangements have been concluded by Yobe State and an Egyptian Company, Messrs Los Amigos, to establish a meat processing company in Damaturu, the state capital.

In a bid to strengthen the agreements for the establishment of the company, the state Project Steering Committee and the Egyptian partners visited Governor Mai Mala Buni.

The commissioner for Commerce, Alhaji Barma Shettima, led the state steering committee, while Engr. Halal M. El-Ghor, led the Egyptian partners to adequately brief His Excellency the state Governor on the project.

The delegation briefed the Governor on the project concept, financing, ownership structure, implementation timetable, derivable economic value chain effects and full optimisation of livestock potential in the state.

Governor Buni expressed optimism that the project will turn around the economic fortunes of the state and the people.

He noted that Yobe State is strategically positioned with huge livestock potentials to provide good quality meat to local markets and for export.

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He urged the teams to focus and ensure smooth implementation process for a win-win scenario.

On the Steering Committee were the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Alhaji Abdullahi Yusuf Gashua, the Principal Personal Secretary (PPS) to the Governor, Alhaji Liman Ibrahim, Dr Idrissa Madaki and Alhaji Hamza Saidu.


  1. The meat processing factory should have been located in the place where livestock is sold in large quantities. Places like Potiskum, Garin Alkali and Geidam are ideal locations. The only exception for now is Geidam because of the security challenges in the area. Potiskum is on the major highways to various parts of the country and has the largest cattle market in West Africa; thus one wonders at the rationale for siting the Meat Processing Factory in Damaturu.

    • You are right my brother. But all the same, instead of them constructing a new one, I would advise they upgrade the so called “ultramodern abattoir” constructed during Bukar Abba’s regime if at all it really exists.


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