NUJ Adamawa condemns battering of female journalist as NAWOJ calls for speedy prosecution of culprit

The victim, Nafeesah Vandi.

NUJ Adamawa condemns battering of female journalist as NAWOJ calls for speedy prosecution of culprit

Story from Sa’adatu MAINA and Abdulaziz M JAURO

Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Adamawa State council and the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) has condemned in strong terms an assault and battering of one of it’s female members, Nafeesah Vandi, by her former husband, Malam Ibrahim Aliyu.

According to a statement jointly signed by the council chairman, Ishaka D. Dedan and his secretary, Fidelis Jocthtan, the victim is a staff of News Department, Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Yola.

“The union describes the heinous act as unacceptable, wickedness and barbaric, beating such a professional female practicing Journalist to a stupor by her alleged ex-husband Malam Ibrahim Aliyu, a sacked staff of PHCN.

“Though the police has already swung into action in investigating and arresting the perpetrator of the domestic violence, the NUJ calls for a more speedy action towards the immediate arrest and prosecution of the said Malam Ibrahim Aliyu according to the law and constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Also noting with concern the alarming spikes in the cases of domestic violence against women by their spouses NAWOJ calls for immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrator.

NAWOJ President, Ladi Bala, in a press statement on Thursday said, “The ugly development is becoming worrisome, reprehensible, dastardly thus, totally unacceptable.”

She said, “It is particularly worrisome to note that in the month of August 2022 alone there were three documented cases of wife battery that inflicted serious physical injuries, mental torture, dehumanised sanctity and dignity of victims by their husbands in the country.

“One of the victims of the sad cases is confirmed dead from the alleged unfortunate violence.”

According to her, “These cases include that of the Local Government Transition Committee Chairman of Nnewi North of Anambra state, who has been accused of committing violence against his wife that led to her untimely death.

“Thankfully, the culprit has been suspended from office by the Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, and apprehended by the police.

“Also of serious concern is an alleged case of a man along with his side female lover who macheted his wife in River state. However, he is now cooling off in police net at Elele in Rivers state.

“The most recent being the case of a female journalist, a mother of three, working with the Adamawa Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Yola, Nafessah Vandi, who was beaten to a point of stupor by her estranged husband and inflicted various degrees of injuries including dislocation of one of her hands.”

NAWOJ president further stated that, “The painful irony is that the wife beater, one Ibrahim Aliyu, a dismissed staff of PHCN has not been living up to his responsibility of fending for his family as he totally abdicated such to his wife that turned his victim.

“Painfully, but curiously, is the fact that he resolved to brutalise the wife few minutes after issuing her with a divorce letter as a parting gift. This dehumanising development must not be condoled and tolerated by any sane and civilised society.

“It is disheartening to note that in spite of the ongoing sensitisation campaign on sexual and gender based violence aside the domestication of the VAPP Act in many states some brute men are still in the habit of beating their wives and threating them as slaves and not partners by inflicting injuries on them.

“These cases shall not be allowed to slide away. It is against this backdrop that the NAWOJ calls on the Inspector General of Police, IGP Usman Baba, and the Commissioner of Police in Adamawa state, to fish out the perpetrator of this heinous and barbaric act against a female journalist, Nafessa, and bring him to book.

“Ibrahim Aliyu must be made to face the full wrath of the law to serve as deterrent to his like minds from ever contemplating such an unacceptable and criminal act.” The statement said.

The journalists association equally calls on Faith Based Organisations (FBOs), human rights activists as well as relevant Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) like FIDA, UNFPA, UNICEF and other associations propagating a total halt on violence against women to rise to the occasion and speak out against such societal ills in the country.


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