Yobe gov’t rated best in fiscal transparency, accountability

Governor Mai Mala Buni.

Yobe gov’t rated best in fiscal transparency, accountability

The State Fiscal Transparency Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS), a World Bank programme, has rated Yobe State Government as the best-performing state in fiscal transparency and accountability.

Mamman Mohammad, the DG, Press and Media Affairs to Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, in a statement said Yobe became the overall best in disbursement link indicators and the second best in debt sustainability.

He revealed that the SFTAS award was in recognition of the Yobe government’s transparency and accountability in conducting government financial transactions.

READ ALSO: Yobe gov’t bags best due process, good governance award

“Yobe State Government has adhered to due process in the award of contracts and supplies through the Bureau for Public Procurement to cut waste and get value for money.

“The SFTAS rating is in confirmation with the best due process performing state award presented to Yobe State by the Association of Public Procurement Practitioners of Nigeria,” he said.


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