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Man seeks divorce, accuses wife of neglect, financial mismanagement


Man seeks divorce, accuses wife of neglect, financial mismanagement

A man named Charles Sijuade has approached the Grade A Customary Court in Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, seeking to end his relationship with his wife, Dasola, citing neglect, abandonment, and lack of love on her part.

Charles explained to the court that he fell ill and was incapacitated for a long period. During this time, Dasola neglected him and even went so far as to lock him up in a room without providing any care or support.

Furthermore, Charles revealed that Dasola had control of his ATM card and managed all his financial transactions. However, he accused her of being unfaithful and not acting responsibly with the finances.

The plaintiff expressed that he found no joy in his relationship with his wife and thus requested the court to dissolve their union.

In response, the defendant denied all the allegations made against her by her husband.

Charles gave his testimony, saying, “I met my wife at my workplace, and we began dating. We eventually had an introduction ceremony, and she moved in with me. I did not pay any bride price for her. We have been blessed with three children.”

“However,” he continued, “my marriage to Dasola has been a great mistake. I deeply regret ever getting involved with her. Initially, things were going well between us. I fulfilled my responsibilities as the breadwinner, and she lacked nothing. She used to be affectionate and attentive, and I believed she loved me.”

“But once I fell ill, our relationship took a turn for the worse. As my health deteriorated, Dasola became distant, cold, and uncaring. I was confined to our home due to my poor health, and eventually, I couldn’t even go to work anymore.”

Charles went on to describe how his wife neglected him, leaving him alone in a locked room while she went out. He was forced to manage on his own in his helpless state.

“My wife has control over my ATM card and manages my bank account,” Charles explained.

“She approves my transactions. Additionally, I bought her a tricycle for commercial purposes since I couldn’t work, but she kept me in the dark about the income it generated.”

He continued, “Dasola now makes all the decisions at home without involving me. She even brought her brother to live with us without my consent. These are just a few examples of her wrongdoing.”

Expressing his unhappiness in the marriage, Charles pleaded with the honorable court to dissolve their union.

After hearing the plaintiff’s testimony, the court president, Mrs. S.M Akintayo, adjourned the case to June 16 for further proceedings.

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