UNHCR, Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society join forces to support IDPs in Nigeria


UNHCR, Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society join forces to support IDPs in Nigeria

Story from Beatrice EARLAND, Bauchi

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Refugee Agency, has entered into a partnership with the Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society, a faith-based organization in Nigeria, to extend assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the country.

This collaboration aims to gather support for the affected individuals until June 2024.

Presently, Nigeria is grappling with a significant number of internally displaced persons, with the figure standing at over 3.3 million.

These individuals have been uprooted from their homes due to various reasons, including the persistent conflicts between farmers and herders in the north-central region, as well as the rise of banditry and kidnappings in the northwest.

Moreover, non-state armed groups have contributed to the displacement crisis in the northeast.

Consequently, these displaced communities are facing dire circumstances and require urgent assistance, encompassing crucial necessities such as shelter, healthcare, education, access to clean water, and protection against sexual violence.

To address this pressing situation, UNHCR and the Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society have come together to form a strategic alliance. As part of this collaboration, the Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society will organize fundraising activities to mobilize resources for supporting internally displaced persons in Nigeria.

The organization has a commendable track record, having already been engaged in supporting the underprivileged through initiatives such as their food bank program in Abuja, which provides daily meals to at least 2,000 people during the month of Ramadan.

Additionally, their annual distribution of Zakat exemplifies their two-decade-long experience in successful fundraising endeavours.

Recognizing the strain on resources caused by the escalating number of displaced individuals, UNHCR has been at the forefront of efforts to meet their needs.

However, the severity of the situation demands increased support and collaboration. Hence, this partnership between UNHCR and the Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society seeks to harness the support of Nigeria’s Muslim community and ignite the spirit of Islamic philanthropy as a powerful tool in aiding some of the most vulnerable populations among us.


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