YOSEMA, please stop marginalising Yobe South, by Kasim Isa Muhammad

YOSEMA, please stop marginalising Yobe South, by Kasim Isa Muhammad
Kasim Isa Muhammad

YOSEMA, please stop marginalising Yobe South, by Kasim Isa Muhammad

The Yobe State Emergency Management Agency (YOSEMA) has been intervening to save the lives of millions from insecurity, natural and ecological occurrences across the state. The agency was established with the mandate to respond to emergencies and take any measures to maintain a stable ecosystem for the state government and its people.

However, there are 17 local government areas in Yobe State, and most of them encounter different challenges according to the landscape and regional originality.

The geopolitical division of the areas was meant to showcase the ways the state government should follow to attend to their needs, particularly when it comes to incidents of fire outbreaks in markets, flooding, and catering for the victims of terrorism. Yobe State comprises three zones – Yobe South, East, and North.

Yobe South, which comprises Potiskum, Fune, Fika, and Nangere local government areas, is considered an outcast from the regular small-scale business support, food disbursements, youth empowerment, and other beneficial aids delivered to save the state from a stake of poverty and socioeconomic turmoil.

The agency has carried most of its programmes to the northern and central zones of the state without observing the fair distribution across the state. The local government areas differ in their basic demands from the state government.

Meanwhile, most of the insecurity and natural disasters that occur are being recorded out-of-number in the southern part of the state; which is why something tangible must be done to change the pattern of marginalising these areas from accessing relief materials and man-equal projects to overtake every sector, which shall help to maintain a healthy society.

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Without a doubt, Yobe South is large in population; the areas around them need more responsive attention from the State Emergency Management Agency than any other place; they are farmers, shepherds, and runners of small businesses; and an average number of them participated in acquiring education to serve themselves and the communities.

Eventually, since the state needs to progress in recording vast quantities of agricultural products and collecting revenue from what these people sell out in the market uninterruptedly, the management must refocus on planning to supervise the daily inquiries of the southern people, take them along during times of tribulation, and be constantly spreading goods for local consumption, that shall minimise the criticisms towards the conduct of management’s activities in Yobe State.

Kasim Isa Muhammad writes from Potiskum, Yobe State.


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