Domestic violence in Florida: Hassan Adeyemo gave in to his recrudescent ordeal

Domestic violence in Florida: Hassan Adeyemo gave in to his recrudescent ordeal

Domestic violence in Florida: Hassan Adeyemo gave in to his recrudescent ordeal

Hassan Adeyemo is a Nigerian soldier from Ibadan who was 21 years old In 1998, when he met and fell in love with an 18 year-old beautiful Hausa girl from Bauchi called Sarah.

A love at first sight that metamorphosed into marriage in 1999, blessed with a beautiful daughter in 2000 and two other daughters and one boy, making 4 kids.

Hassan loved his wife so much that he told her not to work because of stress. He provided everything she ever wanted for herself and the kids.

This continued until 2014, when Hassan expressed how much of a better life he has always wished for his family, so in agreement with his wife, he decided to send them to the U.S.

Sarah and the kids left for the United States in 2014, Hassan having already arranged for an accommodation and mobility for them.

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At that time, Sarah wasn’t working but Hassan took care and made big-time provisions for their upkeep every month, from Nigeria.

Despite the distance, Hassan bonded with his family and everyone enjoyed the moment.

In 2017, Hassan decided to relocate permanently to America to enable him reunite with his family.

On getting to America, Hassan discovered that had started hair braiding just to keep herself busy when the kids were in school and enable her make family impact as well.

Gradually, she became a household name in Orlando, Florida. Ladies flooded her to do their hair as she attracted a lot of patronage with her expertise and that boosted her financial growth tremendously.

Hassan got to the US, things were going smoothly, coupled with the fact that his wife was industrious and doing well.

Hassan who was doing well in Nigeria, fended for his family and lacked nothing after he left everything and relocated to America to start all over having menial jobs as available options. He started without papers, did jobs that paid him peanuts but made sure he didn’t abscond from his primary duties.

God also blessed them with another baby boy in 2018, making their children a total of 5. Sarah was making at least 1,000 a day with the help of her daughters who she had trained. She was very fast and efficient in braiding. With this income, she was able to support the family with all expenses because Hassan’s income couldn’t meet up with the expenses/bills.

Hassan got his papers and started with Uber and delivery jobs. He worked from day to night to enable him contribute his quota to the family, but his contributions never impressed his wife Sarah, since she was making more. As a result, Sarah became the breadwinner of the house and had always always complained that Hassan couldn’t afford her lifestyle. The children also saw her as their favorite because she gave them everything they asked for, making them see their father as irresponsible.

Sarah became the boss, entered the house whenever she wished to and called Hassan names like ‘lazy’ and ‘useless’, while Hassan always displayed maturity for peace to reign.

Hassan who has always been a gentleman became heart broken and was seen begging friends and family members to help talk to his wife. Sarah and the children formed their own group in the house, stopped cooking for him and abandoned him to always sort himself out. Hassan was always crying like a baby, saying Sarah made him feel less of a man in the house. His friends encouraged him to persevere and ignore whatever she did.

In January 2022, Sarahbought a new house, moved in and continued to treat her husband with contempt. She disrespected him at every slight opportunity, “Leave my house if you cannot obey me, you irresponsible man!,” she would often say.

She also locked him out in the cold so many times and threw his things out. The children would always support their mother because she provided. Hassan contemplated suicide while he shared with friends. “Where will I start from? I love my wife. A woman I have invested all my life in. The only woman I have loved. What did I do to deserve this from her?”

April 2023 came and Sarah told him she had bought another house and wishes to relocate with her daughters, told Hassan to hold onto the boys.

Hassan was like, “Why do you want to separate the family?” She said, “If everyone followed her to the new house, it will disturb her customers. She then told the husband that he could bring the boys over for weekends, but he can’t come with them, because she needed to keep her privacy. Hassan agreed, hoping that his wife would change her mind.

On August 21, 2023, Sarah informed Hassan that she would like to have her sons move in with her, with all her remaining properties and that of the children.

She then told Hassan that whenever he wished to come see the children, he should notify her first before coming, Hassan agreed to her terms and took the remaining properties to her house on Friday night.

The unfortunate victims of the tragedy

Sarah didn’t let him enter the house. She took all the belongings he brought and the boys and left Hassan outside. Hassan remained at the door for almost an hour knocking, Sarah refused to open the door for him.

The following day, August 26, was Hassan’s 46th birthday. Early that morning, Sarah sent him a message that reads, “Happy Birthday friend, we are better off as friends than lovers, “You need to look for where you’ll be staying, because I have to get rid of the old house. I wish you well in life, I have moved on.”

A few hours later, the children called their dad, requested for some groceries, at about 6:30 PM, he called the kids, that he was on his way to the house with the groceries. When he got there, he knocked, and the children opened the door for him.

Hassan then asked for their mom, they told him she was in the shower. He entered, went to the bathroom, brought out a gun and shot her in the head, in the chest, and in the leg.

He then called 911, “Hello, I just killed the bitch.” This is the address, I am waiting for you.” He sat down on the floor beside Sarah’s body.

The corps came, and first rushed Sarah to the hospital, she was still breathing, two hours after she got to the hospital, she gave it up.

Mr. Adeyemo Hassan ended up at the Orange County Jail in Florida, most likely facing a death sentence or life imprisonment term.


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