Does Islam oppress women?, by Reno Omokri

Does Islam Oppress Women?, by Reno Omokri
Reno Omokri

Does Islam oppress women?, by Reno Omokri

It is actually not true that Islam oppresses women. Rightly practised, Islam is more empowering of the female gender than many liberal societies. The United States is probably the most liberal democracy on Earth. Have they had a female President? No.

Indonesia is the largest Islamic nation on Earth. And Megawati Sukarnoputri, a Muslim woman, served as president of Indonesia from 2001 to 2004.

Before her, Benazir Bhutto, another Muslim woman, served as the eleventh prime minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and again as the thirteenth premier from 1993 to 1996.

And in Africa, the most influential woman is Samia Suluhu Hassan, the Tanzanian President. Who just happens to be a Muslim.

In terms of parentage, Islam provides that after God and the prophet, it is your mother. Not your father. Your mother. And the Quran makes perfect sense in this when you consider the contribution of both parents to life. A father’s contribution to the existence of a human life is a maximum of ten minutes. Any more, and that man has issues.

But a mother’s contribution to life is extensive. You live in her body for nine months. You are born through her body after nine months. You feed from her body after you are born. And then, when you can digest solid food, she uses part of her body to cook that food for you.

If your father dies at birth, your chances of survival are still 100%. But if your mother dies at birth, your hope of surviving is severely diminished. That is why we have motherless babies home, but no fatherless babies homes.

That is why in Islam, there is a maxim from their prophet, Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasalaam)), that Paradise lies at the feet of the mother.

When asked by one of the Muʾmin who service should be made to in order to benefit completely from their good deed, the prophet said, ‘Your mother’. He was asked who next, he said, ‘Your mother’. Asked a third time, he again replied, ‘Your mother’.

And even in the most liberal Western nations, their inheritance laws favour men. But in Islam, it is IMPOSSIBLE to cheat a woman out of her inheritance. Because al-Quran makes allowance for that.

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This is why, in the world’s largest IslamoChristian nation, Nigeria, a survey by Statisense revealed that the Most Islamic region in the country, the Northwest, has the highest female empowerment. In contrast, the most Christian region, the Southeast, has the least empowered women.

And the region with the most Muslims, Northern Nigeria, has the most women elected into political office, with two being elected as Governors before the courts or the Independent National Electoral Commission overturned their elections.

I am not a Muslim, and not about to be one. But I do not condemn or commend anything without first studying it. And because I study and admire Islam, it is incumbent on me to correct some misconceptions about the religion.

It is a truism that many of those who are bigoted against Muslims are doing it from a position of ignorance. A large number of such people have never left their region to experience other cultures first-hand. And we as Black people, notoriously do not read. Even our own holy book talk more of that of other faiths.

Reno Omokri is a Gospeller, an author, activist, social media influencer, and Hollywood awardee.


Editor’s note:

Reno Omokri’s thoughtful exploration of Islam’s treatment of women offers a refreshing and objective perspective. His recognition of the empowering nature of Islam, especially when rightly practiced, is an important counter-narrative to prevailing misconceptions. It’s commendable that he highlights the achievements of Muslim women leaders globally, challenging stereotypes about the role of women in Islamic societies.

Omokri’s emphasis on the status of mothers in Islam, supported by the saying that ‘Paradise lies at the feet of the mother,’ sheds light on the respect accorded to women in Islamic teachings. His insights into inheritance laws and female empowerment in Muslim-majority regions, as seen in Nigeria, provide valuable context that challenges stereotypes and encourages a more nuanced understanding of Islam.

His objective approach, despite not being a Muslim himself, exemplifies the importance of studying and understanding a religion before passing judgment. This level of intellectual honesty is commendable in fostering interfaith understanding and dismantling biases. Omokri’s commentary encourages us all to approach different faiths with an open mind, promoting unity and tolerance.

In a world where misinformation often fuels prejudice, voices like Omokri’s contribute to a more informed and respectful dialogue. His commitment to acknowledging the positive aspects of Islam, while maintaining his own faith, sets an admirable example for fostering understanding and appreciation across religious divides.


  1. How beat you narrowed what we called oppress to women only on position in politics? Women in Islam are like a lion in the cage and the one who managed to escape to become the king in the free world jungle, are the one’s you narrowed your conclusion. The world knows women in Islam to Maxed while in the public.


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