Hajiya Hussaina (Fatima), late wife of Suleja’s Emir and her embracing legacies, by Fatima Adamu

Mama Hussaina
Mama Hussaina

Hajiya Hussaina (Fatima), late wife of Suleja’s Emir and her embracing legacies, by Fatima Adamu

In a poignant tribute to the late Hajiya Fatima Awwal Ibrahim, the esteemed wife of the former governor of Niger State and current Emir of Suleja Local Government, the community mourns the loss of a truly compassionate soul.

Hajiya Fatima’s benevolence extended beyond familial bounds, as she graciously welcomed the entire Suleja community into her home.

Known for her kind spirit and religious devotion, Hajiya Fatima embraced those in need, offering solace and support to anyone who sought her help.

To many, she wasn’t just a family member but a cherished grandmother and a dear aunt, creating lasting connections within the hearts of those who knew her.

A year ago, during my last encounter with her, Hajiya Fatima exuded a serene demeanor, leaving a lasting impression of her calm and nurturing presence.

Her commitment to daily supplications and prayers, especially after the morning prayers, reflected her unwavering faith.

It is with heavy hearts that the community recalls her passing, as she left this world while engaged in the act of devotion, departing from the earthly realm on the prayer mat.

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My sister, Kamila known for exaggeration explained that Mama Hussaina, like she was lovingly called would stay on her prayer mat since after Subhi (dawn prayers) until an hour to Zuhur (noon prayers).

In a memory etched in the fabric of time, my earliest encounter with Hajiya Fatima Awwal Ibrahim unfolded during a family gathering.

A tender moment from my childhood, where my grandmother, aunties, and relatives congregated for a joyous occasion.

Amidst the familial warmth, she emerged as a beacon of kindness.

As introductions circulated, her welcoming embrace enveloped me, leaving an indelible mark on my heart.

In that moment, she embodied the essence of family ties, extending her warmth across generations.

Her role as a unifying force within the family and the broader community of Suleja became a defining aspect of her life.

Just as my auntie, the journalist Hajiya Mairo Muhammad Mudi, eloquently expressed in her poignant tribute, Hajiya Fatima was a “great wall” in the family’s narrative, a steadfast pillar, akin to the resilience of a mighty structure, she contributed to the growth and fortification of familial bonds.

Additionally, Hajiya Fatima served as a haven and financial guardian for the palace staff.

Her room was deemed the safest place, a trusted bank where valuable possessions and funds were entrusted for safekeeping.

This testament to her reliability and trustworthiness further underscores the profound impact she had not only within her family but also on those who worked alongside her.

As we grieve the loss of this remarkable “great wall,” we also celebrate the legacy of a woman who provided comfort, support, and security to all who sought refuge in her warm embrace not just her amazing motherly responsibilities to her children and step children.

As we mourn her departure, we take solace in the fact that Mama is resting perfectly because the Noble Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said, “Any Muslim in whose favour four people testify, Allah will admit him to Paradise.’’

And Mama has the whole Emirate testifying in her favour.


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