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Policeman fatally shoots magistrate in open court


Policeman fatally shoots magistrate in open court

A senior Kenyan police officer lost his life after he opened fire at Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti in court in Nairobi.

The chief inspector’s outrage stemmed from the magistrate’s decision to cancel his wife’s bail following her absence from court proceedings.

The officer, identified as Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, who was the head of a police station in Londiani, western Kenya, drew his gun and attacked the magistrate, injuring her, shortly after the verdict was announced.

Prompt action from other officers in the courtroom resulted in the fatal shooting of the officer, with three additional officers sustaining injuries, as per a police report.

The magistrate and the wounded officers are currently receiving medical attention in a hospital.

The judiciary clarified that the magistrate had revoked the bond of a defendant who had skipped bail without providing a feasible explanation for their absence.

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In an official statement, the judiciary revealed that preliminary reports suggested that the shooter was a police officer married to the defendant.

The national police service stated that the officer’s presence in court was for “unknown reasons,” and ongoing investigations aim to shed light on the circumstances that led to the shooting.

This tragic occurrence within a courtroom has left the nation in shock. While accusations of police involvement in extrajudicial killings are not uncommon, such an incident occurring inside a court is unprecedented.

The judiciary has pledged to reinforce security protocols, reassuring judicial staff and court attendees of their safety.

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya extended well wishes to the injured magistrate for a speedy recovery while conveying condolences to the family of the fallen officer.

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