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Reps allege suicide bombers in Borno were imported


Reps allege suicide bombers in Borno were imported

The House of Representatives on Tuesday alleged that the female suicide bombers who caused devastation in Borno State over the weekend were imported into the country.

This revelation came following a motion of urgent national importance presented by Ahmed Jaha, who strongly condemned the attack

Jaha highlighted that investigations pointed to the fact that the bombers were not native to Borno State but were recruited, indoctrinated, and brought in from outside to carry out the deadly act in Gwoza, resulting in the loss of over 30 lives.

He emphasised the continued threat of terrorism in the nation and informed the House that more than 180 individuals were critically injured and are currently receiving medical treatment in various hospitals within the state.

The House, in response, called upon security agencies to ramp up efforts to prevent a repeat of such incidents.

While reacting to the incident, the Defence Headquarters labeled the bombings as Nigeria inching towards a state of war.

Major General Edward Buba conveyed in a statement that the recent attacks were likely a reactionary response to the successes achieved in ongoing military operations against terrorist groups. These operations had significantly weakened the leadership, resources, support, and influence of the terrorists.

The terror attacks involved multiple Person Bourne Improvised Explosive Devices (PBIED), with the initial one occurring around 3:00 pm.

A female suicide bomber, disguised as a beggar, infiltrated a wedding reception at Mararaba Hausari Street and detonated an improvised explosive device.

However, after that, at about 5: 00 pm, while efforts were on to stabilise and move casualties of the initial explosion to the hospital for further treatment, there was a second detonation from another female suicide bomber.

The second explosion was on the same street and near the first explosion. Buba said the troops immediately imposed a curfew on the community to get members of the community indoors and prevent further casualties.

READ ALSO: Gwoza Bombings: An error we didn’t see coming – Borno Govt

However, while troops and hybrid forces enforced the curfew, a third explosion was recorded.

He said, “The third explosion targeted the troops enforcing the curfew. The troops were attacked from behind by a third lady strapped with an IED vest. The blast killed a soldier and two members of hybrid forces.

“The fourth incident was averted when the suspect was identified early enough and she detonated the bomb prematurely whereby she became the only casualty. On the whole, 20 persons were killed while 52 sustained various degrees of injuries and received treatment.”

Buba said the Armed Forces view every life lost as a result of the ongoing war, whether civilian or military, as an immense tragedy.

He said, “The sad loss of lives is a tragedy for the society, community and the nation.

“Accordingly, on behalf of the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen CG MUSA, officers, and members of the armed forces, we express our condolences even as we mourn with all who have lost loved ones. We also commiserate with all victims needing healing and recovery.”

The DHQ said the terrorists embarked on these cowardly attacks against innocent citizens to project an image of strength to cover their weakness and decline.

He said, “Citizens must see through the smoke screen of the terrorist. We must realise that terrorist aims to counter the reports of their weakness and create panic in the general population.

“The military is aware that in this phase of their ending life-cycle, the terrorists are desperate to attract attention, bolster relevancy, mobilise new recruits, reduce support for the armed forces, and reduce support for the government.”

Accordingly, the DHQ called on citizens to stand united, remain vigilant, and continue to support efforts of the armed forces, to ensure a secure and peaceful future.

“The fate of the terrorists that perpetrated this insecurity will be violent and short as troops will stop at nothing to take them out of the battlefield,” he said.

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