Ningi steps down as chairman of Northern Senators Forum following suspension


Ningi steps down as chairman of Northern Senators Forum following suspension

Senator Abdul Ningi, the federal lawmaker representing Bauchi State, has decided to step down as the chairman of the Northern Senators Forum following his suspension from the Red Chamber.

The suspension came after Senator Ningi publicly claimed that the 2024 budget had been inflated by N3.7 trillion, without clear justification for the additional funds. This led to his suspension by the Senate, which found no concrete evidence to support his allegations.

In response to the decision, Senator Ningi chose to resign from his position within the forum.

READ ALSO: Senate suspends Abdul Ningi for 3 months following budget padding allegations

The Senate resolved to suspend him for three months, citing a lack of proof for the budget padding accusations made by the embattled lawmaker.

Meanwhile, Ningi tendered his resignation letter as the chairman of Northern Senators Forum following his suspension.

“I will like to resign my position as the chairman of the Northern Senators Forum. This is of course necessitated by unfolding events in the National Assembly, the North and the Nation at large.

“I will like to specially thank members of the forum for the opportunity given to me for the last eight months to spearhead this very important forum.

“I believe this forum is very important to the progress and development of Northern Nigeria,” the letter reads.

Ningi steps down as chairman of Northern Senators Forum following suspension


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