On NASS negative perception, poor PR, by Yusuf Ali


On NASS negative perception, poor PR, by Yusuf Ali

As a former Media Aide to late Senator Bukar Abba Ibrahim in the 6th, 7th and 8th Assembly, it pains me each time I see the National Assembly, which is highest lawmaking institution, and a bedrock of our democracy in the news for all the wrong reasons.

There are so many positive things happening in the National Assembly – representation, lawmaking, oversights, constituency projects and other sundry issues of national importance that doesn’t make headlines except budget padding, jumbo pay, bribes etc.

Therefore, it’s high time the National Assembly under the ‘Uncommon’ leadership of Senator Godswill Akpabio to start the serious work towards changing its negative perception by Nigerians ostensibly due to poor communication and image perception management.

The negative perception arises from the opaque nature in which activities and information relating to the parliament are handled. The negative perception often gives credence to misinformation.

In the wake of the unfortunate Ningi-budget padding saga, the NASS should strive to improve its communication and engagement with citizens to build trust and mobilize the necessary support to win the battle against misinformation and poor PR.

There is need for determined efforts to engage the public in order to make the lawmaking function a more participatory process, so that Nigerians can better understand the National Assembly, and see their aspirations reflected in its activities.

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If the National Assembly leadership takes the needed steps to build the institution, Nigerians will gradually start to grasp the true significance of the legislature as a bulwark of the democratic system of governance.

When this greater appreciation begins to manifest, I have no doubt that the people will support the institution and accept that lawmakers are doing necessary work for the good of all. Of course, this also means that our lawmakers must be seen to be working assiduously to address issues affecting Nigerians, chief among which are: poverty, inequality, insecurity, corruption as well as empowerment of citizens.

Yusuf Ali is former Media Aide to late Senator Bukar Abba Ibrahim of blessed memory.


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