Safety concerns mount as bullying cases shake foundations of school environments


Safety concerns mount as bullying cases shake foundations of school environments

Story by, Jamila Yunusa SULEIMAN 

A school is a secured environment where parents or guardians comfortably entrust their children or wards primarily for educational pursuit.

The escalating incidents of bullying have triggered widespread apprehension and skepticism, prompting concerns about the well-being and safety of children within school premises.

Bullying in secondary schools has been a thing of concern, with news all over social media on how students are being bullied by their school mates. Just of recent the social media has been set ablaze with the video of certain students being bullied in Lead British International Schools Abuja.

From video clips released on social media supposedly by a student of Lead British International School, the bullied students Namtira Bwala is seen receiving hot slaps from one Maryam Hassan a student of same school.

In the first video, Maryam is heard asking Namtira who is standing calmly, “who broke my heart?” And slaps her at the same time repeatedly with other students at the scene cheering Maryam to carry on the detestable act.

In the second video, Namtira is again attacked by Maryam with slaps asking her “why didn’t you greet?” repeatedly.
The case involving Namtira and Maryam has reportedly been ongoing for more than a year.

Nevertheless, based on the discourse circulating on social media, bullying appears to be a persistent issue at Lead British International Schools Abuja, where the school administration seems to administer lenient consequences to the perpetrators, as stated in a message making rounds on the social media.

While there is no specified punishment for minors engaging in bullying, it is strongly advised that they receive guidance and counseling.

READ ALSO: Abuja British school shuts down to address bullying concerns

A source inside the school who pleaded anonymity revealed that “Bullying is one of the biggest issue in lead British International school”.
“And the worst thing is that they don’t even take serious actions for it. The punishment they use is always packing of trash like…does that make sense?”
“Will packing of trash stop me from bullying someone? It does not even make sense to be honest. The school is always trying to hide things like this”.

“When things like this happen and we tell our parents our parents think we are being dramatic and stuff. That’s why we all need you to put back the post and bring awareness because it needs to stop”.
“When I told my mother, she said I was lying, it was when I showed her the video that she believed me”.

And let me tell you something, worst things have happened. There was a time a girl brought a knife or paper cutter and used it to slice a boy’s hand. The boy was in year 7, he had to get stitches and the girl’s punishment was 2 days suspension because allegedly her parents payed the school or something.”
In another video, a boy is seen on his knees recieving slaps on his head from his school mates at Lead British International school Abuja.

After intervention from the school administration and federal authorities, a video featuring Maryam Hassan issuing a public apology for bullying Namtira has gained widespread attention on social media.

Nevertheless, a gentleman who appears to be a kin of Maryam Hassan has voiced his disappointment as to why the other individuals involved in this incident, as depicted in the videos circulated online, have not been held accountable and issued an apology as well?

READ ALSO: Combat Cyber-Bullying, celebrate, don’t denigrate our National Team, by H.M. Wada

Given the recent events, it is imperative that everyone is fully committed to ensuring that situations are handled in the right way.

This responsibility falls on both the family and society as a whole. It is crucial that we consistently educate children, both in the home and at school, about the negative impacts of bullying such as, stigmatisation, low self esteem, depression.

It is important that we instruct children in the art of courtesy and conflict resolution without resorting to violence. Reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities is essential and voicing out unsettling issues to the right channels is important as well.

Engaging in overpowering and intimidating behavior towards individuals or groups constitutes a harmful form of bullying.

It is imperative to acknowledge that the manner in which authorities address such situations will not lead either party involved in bullying into a state of depression.




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