Understanding Heart Arrhythmias – A call for awareness and action, by Maryam Sulaiman


Understanding Heart Arrhythmias – A call for awareness and action, by Maryam Sulaiman

Heart arrhythmia, a condition characterised by irregular heartbeats, is a matter of growing concern in today’s society. When the electrical signals guiding the heart’s rhythm malfunction, it can result in a heartbeat that is either too fast, too slow, or inconsistent. While some arrhythmias may go unnoticed, others can pose serious health risks, making awareness and proactive measures crucial.

Types of Heart Arrhythmias:

Tachycardia and bradycardia are two primary classifications of heart arrhythmias based on the speed of the heart rate. Tachycardia refers to a heartbeat exceeding 100 beats per minute, while bradycardia indicates a heart rate below 60 beats per minute. Additionally, premature heartbeats, characterized by extra beats occurring sporadically, can also contribute to arrhythmias.

Understanding Symptoms and Risks:

Symptoms of heart arrhythmias may vary from fluttering or pounding sensations in the chest to feelings of anxiety, dizziness, or fainting. While some arrhythmias may not manifest any symptoms, others can lead to potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated.

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Treatment and Management:

Treatment options for heart arrhythmias range from medications to devices like pacemakers and surgical procedures. However, early detection and lifestyle modifications, including regular exercise and a heart-healthy diet, play a crucial role in preventing and managing arrhythmias. Consulting a cardiologist for a comprehensive evaluation is essential for individuals experiencing symptoms or at risk of heart arrhythmias.


As a Biology graduate passionate about healthcare advocacy, I urge individuals to prioritise heart health and seek medical attention if they experience any irregularities in their heartbeat.

By raising awareness about heart arrhythmias and promoting proactive measures, we can empower individuals to take control of their heart health and reduce the incidence of potentially life-threatening conditions.

Maryam Sulaiman, a Biology graduate from the National Open University of Nigeria, advocates for heart health awareness and proactive healthcare measures. For inquiries or support, she can be reached via email at masuu2008@gmail.com.


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