ACF commends FG for rejecting plans to host foreign military bases in Nigeria


ACF commends FG for rejecting plans to host foreign military bases in Nigeria

The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has welcomed clarification made by Alhaji Mohammed Idris, Minister of Information and National Orientation, that the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has no plans to allow foreign military bases in Nigeria.

A statement by Professor T. A. Muhammad-Baba, National Publicity Secretary of the Forum, said the FGN must be appreciated for taking such a bold and reassuring stance.

The statement read, “Every African must be such a soothing balm and a thing of pride worth celebrations. For ACF, the development represents a victory for all imminently patriotic Nigerians who signalled readiness to campaign against the “rumoured” plans to host US and French military bases in Nigeria following their rejection in Republics of Burkina Faso and Niger.

READ ALSO: FG debunks alleged establishment of foreign military bases in Nigeria

“Still on the issue, ACF is greatly disappointed with an earlier statement, credited to a supposedly non-governmental organisation concerned with promoting human rights, going by the name the Human Rights Writers Association (HURIWA), supporting the possible establishment of American (US) and French military bases in Nigeria.

“ACF finds such support patently shocking, shortsighted and against everything Nigeria stands for at the moment. We are an independent, sovereign African country in uncompromising solidarity with all sister African, especially ECOWAS, states in the struggles against all vestiges of the intolerable stranglehold of colonialism and neo-colonialism, that have for far too long held down Africa in conditions of underdevelopment.

“Enough is known of experiences of countries like Burkina Faso and Niger that have hosted foreign military bases for years. Such bases have to date served only the interests of the advanced countries. Wheresoever they are located, the foreign military outposts operate outside of the control and in utter disregard for the national laws of their hosts, respecting only their own convenient rules.

“That sister African countries will, on the basis of their experience with the foreign military units, reject their presence is enough reason to dissuade Nigeria from even contemplating to host them. There is just no sense that such bases as rejected by sister ECOWAS would be welcomed by any next-door neighbour.

“HURIWA ought to realise that the presence of the bases has undeniably failed to result in any demonstrable decline in the activities of terrorist and insurgent groups that have been wrecking political, economic and social conditions in the sister countries. For Nigeria, it is inescapable that whatever is unhelpful and/or detrimental to the interests of African countries cannot be good for us, due to shared destinies in unbroken historical, socio-cultural, economic and political ties which predated and antedates the artificial balkanisation of our societies under European colonial control. Africans will forever decry the imposition of ridiculous “international” boundaries, which often cut across the very heart of communities, as systematised at the infamous1884/1885 Berlin Conference at which no African country participated.

“It is thus instructive that the desire to establish the military bases emanate, not from African countries, but from the foreign powers themselves, and it is as if the Berlin Conference is being updated and re-enacted now, in the 21st Century.

“HURIWA is being quixotic and perhaps delusional in thinking that military and civilian personnel in the bases will respect Nigeria’s sovereignty or help us fight terrorism and insurgency. It is to ask is where (and why now) have the foreign forces been all the while with our body counts in thousands, and recorded disrupted livelihoods, internally displaced populations, etc. It is also disappointing that HURIWA would seek to trivialise the patriotic call against foreign military bases as emanating from some “Northern” leaders, as if HURIWA’S condemnation is itself, by equal measure, a “Southern” Nigerian agenda! Clearly the terrorism and banditry problem in Nigeria has gone beyond the prism of “killer herdsmen” and Boko Haram, as HURIWA would have it, and looking at the problem from such a simplistic and reductionist perspective is unhelpful in the fight against terrorism.

“Our security forces know this only too well. No one should be lulled into complacency or think that anybody but ourselves can solve the problem. Nigeria should not be tempted by Trojan Horse-promises from foreign interests that had until now at best remained benignly neglectful or uninterested in our insecurity woes. For ACF, the prospect for locating foreign military bases is disconcerting their many consequences will impact on the lives of our people, and will only exacerbate and not reduce the security risks and threats that people of the North face. It is for the above reasons that ACF:
a) Commends President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Government’s denial of plans to host foreign military bases on Nigeria’ soil.

“ACF calls on the FGN to forever refuse to entertain, let alone accede, to requests to site any foreign military base in Nigeria;
b) Our representatives in the National Assembly should remain alert, ready to emphatically and unequivocally reject any request for approval to set up foreign military bases in Nigeria; and
c) Citizens, labour unions, professional associations, academia, media organisations, special interest groups, etc., to continue to remain vigilant and ever ready to campaign against the siting ever of foreign military bases in Nigeria.”


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