From Maraba to Lagos: The scourge of motor park touts must be stopped, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar 


From Maraba to Lagos: The scourge of motor park touts must be stopped, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

As I stepped into the bustling Maraba motor park in Nasarawa- Abuja road, I was immediately hit with a sense of chaos and disorder. The air was thick with the smell of exhaust fumes, and the sounds of honking horns and shouting drivers filled my ears.

But amidst the chaos, one group stood out – the motor park touts. With their menacing gaze and aggressive demeanor, they seemed to be the ones in control.

These self-appointed agents of chaos have become a menace in motor parks across Nigeria, particularly in Maraba, Abuja, Lagos and many other places in the country. They claim to be collecting levies and taxes on behalf of the government, but in reality, they are nothing more than extortionists who use threats and violence to get what they want.

I witnessed a driver being beaten and his vehicle damaged for refusing to pay the “tout tax”. I saw passengers being harassed and intimidated into paying exorbitant sums of money for “parking fees” and “loading fees”. And I heard stories of drivers being forced to pay bribes to avoid being attacked or having their vehicles vandalized.

The activities of motor park touts are not only a nuisance, but they also have serious economic and social implications. They increase transportation costs, which ultimately affects the common man.

They create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, making it difficult for people to move around freely. And they undermine the authority of the government, making it seem powerless to protect its citizens.

READ ALSO: The Craze of Excessive Guinness World Record Attempts: From the extraordinary to the absurd, by Musa Sakinat  Abubakar

But the menace of motor park touts is not just limited to Maraba or Abuja. It is a national problem that requires a national solution. From Lagos to Kano, from Port Harcourt to Maiduguri, motor park touts are a scourge that must be eradicated.

So, what can be done to address this issue? Firstly, the government must take decisive action to regulate the activities of motor park touts. This can be done by introducing an official ticketing system, increasing security presence in motor parks, and prosecuting those who engage in extortion and violence.

From Maraba to Lagos: The scourge of motor park touts must be stopped, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

Secondly, the public must be educated about their rights and the need to resist the activities of motor park touts. This can be done through public awareness campaigns and community engagement programs.

Finally, the transportation sector must be reformed to eliminate the need for motor park touts. This can be done by introducing a more efficient and effective transportation system, one that is driven by technology and innovation, rather than extortion and violence.

In conclusion, the menace of motor park touts is a national embarrassment that must be addressed. It is a threat to our economy, our security, and our dignity.

We must work together to eradicate this scourge and restore order to our motor parks. Only then can we build a transportation system that is safe, efficient, and effective for all.


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