Against All Odds: Dr Victor Adekunle’s PhD journey in mathematical science


Against All Odds: Dr Victor Adekunle’s PhD journey in mathematical science

The quest of Dr. Victor Adekunle for a doctorate in mathematical science is a saga of determination, resilience, and victory over adversities. The details of his voyage from the complex universe of mathematical analysis to the vibrant area of data analytics are filled with surprises. This journey — despite its challenges — has seen him triumphing over adversities.

An Obsession with Numbers

The love Dr. Adekunle developed for mathematics started when he was still very young, driving him to a burning passion of revealing its secrets and using its rules in resolving problems that come with reality. It is this curiosity that led him to undertake applied mathematics as a course, diving deep into the world of mathematical modeling during his postgraduate studies.

Achieving a balance

In his pursuit for his PhD, Dr. Adekunle traversed instances in his life that had a great impact on his sense of direction and self-understanding. Two years into the program, he came face to face with finding what truly makes him tick amidst all the purposeful quests— seeking an avenue where he could channel his unbridled enthusiasm towards something distinctive.

It was in this pursuit that he delved into the world of digital assets plus block chain technology: trying to strike a balance between navigating volatile markets (which sought only to satisfy financial ambitions) and treading alongside his academic aspirations.

The COVID-19 outbreak was a blessing in disguise for Dr. Adekunle — it came with challenges never experienced before and there were even some who doubted whether he would continue his studies or not. Nevertheless, he took the disruptions as an opportunity to revolutionise the global context into which he could merge his research prospects with ease and flexibility.

Milestones for individuals and the winning of them

His journey took on new meanings when he achieved personal milestones— marrying his beautiful wife Opeyemi Akinjogunla (who also graduated with a master’s degree in public health last year) and the birth of his daughter. Fatherhood brought different challenges, including juggling research responsibilities against unanticipated issues about health.

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The move to the UK with his family was challenging both emotionally and logistically, but it also meant new beginnings for him professionally and personally. Dr. Adekunle accepted the need to start over and set out to find positions that would allow him to blend his knowledge in mathematical modeling with the new areas of Data Science and AI— wanting to be a valuable player in a field teeming with possibilities, all waiting for discovery.

A Historic Virtual Defense

With time running out on his PhD, he faced visa delays and new, unforeseen obstacles. None of this was the reason Dr Adekunle abandoned his goal to complete his PhD and return to Nigeria instead of El Paso, which would have made him the first PhD graduate in his family. Instead, his defence was the first PhD defence to be held virtually, gathering praise and awards from peers and educators. Ultimately, he was awarded a distinguished prize from the Mathematical Association of Nigeria.

A Testimony to Resilience

Speaking to the press after his surgery he said: My story, was an expression of the resilience of the human soul. That man is the triumph of infinite possibilities. Welcome the gap life tries to put between you and your dreams.Today we celebrate the resilience that has brought us this far, let us continue on the journey.

His story should serve as a lesson to anyone dreaming of realising thier academic potential, that with grit and determination the biggest obstacles can be surmounted, and greatness achieved.