Planning for Marriage or Wedding: The true focus beyond luxury, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

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Sakinat Musa Abubakar

Planning for Marriage or Wedding: The true focus beyond luxury, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

In the age when social media is all spl and extravagant celebrations, where planning a wedding and getting ready for marriage are often like… the same. The wedding is just a one-day event full of vows, joy, and festivity, while marriage is like, forever. Gotta keep nurturing it, right? When you forget about all that luxury stuff, the focus on planning should really be on the deeper, more lasting sides of a committed partnership.

The Significance of the Wedding

A wedding is, like, super important, right? It’s when two people basically shout to the world that they’re together, with all their friends and family watching. It’s all symbolic and stuff, marking the start of something new and showing who they are deep down, I guess. But these days, weddings can just turn into a show, with all the fancy stuff – expensive places, big decorations, food that’s too fancy, and, you know, over-the-top clothes.

Sure, these things can make the day unforgettable, but they don’t really show how strong or successful the marriage is gonna be afterwards. Being all about the show can kinda make us forget what it’s really about: two people coming together and promising to be there for each other.

The Essence of Marriage

Marriage, on the other hand, is what comes after that big day. It’s about building a life together, having dreams, dealing with stuff, and growing together. Planning for marriage means thinking beyond the flashy weddings to the real parts of a relationship that need you to work on them all the time.

Prioritising the Right Preparations

Communication Skills: Couples need to learn how to say what they want and feel honestly and openly. Maybe go to some counseling or workshops to get better at this.

Financial Planning: Money issues can cause so much stress in a relationship, man. So make sure you both know where you’re headed with the money, your budgets, and what you like to spend on. Keep things clear and agreed on.

Shared Values and Goals: Talk about what really matters to you both. Focus on your families, what you hope for in your jobs, how you wanna live, and stuff like that. Having the same view on things helps you move forward together.

Conflict Resolution: Disagreements will happen, no doubt. Learning to deal with those fights in a good way is key. It’s not only about fixing things but also about understanding each other and finding solutions that work for you both.

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Emotional Support: To make a marriage last, you need a strong emotional bond. Be there for each other, through tough times and joyful ones, and create a place of respect and appreciation.

Redefining the Wedding

When you plan a wedding with marriage in mind, it can be so much more special. It’s all about choosing based on your values and what matters, rather than going by what everyone else does. Here are some ways to make it happen:

Intimate Gatherings: Smaller, intimate events can let you connect better with your guests.

Personal Touches: Add details that are special to you as a couple, making the day yours without all the big bills.

Sustainable Choices: Think about the environment and ethics when picking your venue, outfits, and food, making sure your values come through.

Focus on Experiences: Good memories with loved ones will beat any fancy purchases, right?

In the end, a wedding is just a nice way to start a marriage, but it’s the marriage that really needs the thought. By working on your communication, money, goals, conflicts, and support early on, you can make sure your partnership will last.

A simple wedding can be just as great when it shows the love and bond between two people. It’s not about how fancy the big day is, it’s about how strong your journey together will be.


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