Social Media: The new life guide and unintended confessional booth, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

Love's Labyrinth in Abuja: Unraveling the quest for authentic connections, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar
Sakinat Musa Abubakar

Social  Media:  The  new  life  guide and  unintended  confessional  booth, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

In  today’s  digital  age, social  media platforms  have  become  more  than just a  means  of  keeping  in  touch  with friends  and  family.

They  have  evolved  into  what  many in this  generation  consider  their  life guide,  a source  of  advice,  validation, and  sometimes,  an  unintended confessional  booth.  It’s  troubling to see individuals  airing  out  their  deepest personal  issues,  including  marital problems,  on  public  platforms, with the hope  of  finding  solutions  from virtual strangers.

But  the  question  is, does  posting  your problems  online  truly  offer  the solutions  you  seek, or  does  it  simply expose  your  private  life  to  the world?

It’s  not  uncommon  to  come  across Instagram,  Facebook  etc. pages  with captions  claiming  to provide  a safe space  for  people  to  share  their issues anonymously.  However,  it’s  essential to contemplate  the  repercussions  of seeking  advice  from  unknown individuals  who  may  not  have  your best  interests  at  heart.

While  it’s  understandable  to  seek support  when  facing  challenges, social media  may  not  always  be  the  best avenue  for  finding  genuine,  practical solutions.

READ ALSO: Loves Labyrinth in Abuja: Unraveling the quest for authentic connections, by Musa Sakinat Abubakar

When  individuals  bring  their  marital issues  to  social media,  they  open themselves  up  to  a myriad  of responses,  ranging  from  well-intentioned  advice  to  harsh  criticism and  even  trolling.

Although  finding  support  from a community  can  be  comforting, it’s essential  to  consider  the  quality and credibility  of the  advice  obtained through  these  channels.  After all, the people  responding  to  these  posts are often  strangers  who  may  not have  the expertise  to offer  meaningful  guidance.

Moreover,  oversharing  intimate  details online  can  potentially  lead  to a loss of privacy  and  could  strain  relationships even  further.  It’s important  to remember  that  the  internet  has  a long memory, and  what  is  shared  in a moment  of  distress  may  have lasting effects  on  one’s  personal  and professional  life.

Many  problems  shared  on  social media are  fabricated  tales  created  to garner attention,  often  for  financial  motives.

Sadly, some  individuals, unaware of the falsehoods,  believe  and  share  these stories.  It’s  disheartening  that  some even  use  the  platform  to seek advice for  genuine  personal  issues.

Instead  of  turning  to  social media  as a life  guide, individuals  grappling  with marital  issues  should  consider  seeking support  from  trusted  family  members, friends,  or  qualified  professionals. Counseling  and  therapy  provide  a confidential  and  safe  environment  for exploring  and  addressing  relationship challenges.

While  it  can  be  empowering  to  share personal  experiences  and  seek  support from  others,  there  is a  need  for caution  when  it  comes  to  relying  on  social media  as  the  ultimate  problem-solving  tool.

It’s  crucial  to  remember  that  not everyone  online  has  your  best interests  at  heart, and  the  digital  realm  does  not  always  provide  the depth  of  understanding  and  support needed  for  complex  issues  such as marital  problems.

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In  a  world  where  oversharing  has become  the  norm, let’s  encourage  a culture  of  discretion  and seek guidance through  reliable  and  confidential channels.  Whether  it’s  through professional counseling,  trusted friends, or  supportive family members,  leaning on  a  strong  and  reliable  support system  can  make  a  world  of  difference  when  facing  challenging times.  It’s  important  to  prioritise  one’s well-being  and  seek  guidance  from sources  that  can  offer  genuine support and  practical  advice.

While  social media  has  its merits, it’s essential  to  exercise  caution  and discretion  when  navigating  personal issues  online.

Musa Sakinat Abubakar is a passionate and dedicated journalist, Sub-Editor at Neptune Prime. Email:



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