Court jails Guinea’s ex-dictator Camara to 20-years for 2009 stadium massacre

Court jails Guinea's ex-dictator Camara to 20-years for 2009 stadium massacre
Moussa Dadis Camara

Court jails Guinea’s ex-dictator Camara to 20-years for 2009 stadium massacre

In a landmark ruling, a court in Guinea has sentenced former military ruler Moussa Dadis Camara to 20 years in prison for crimes against humanity. This verdict follows the brutal killing of over 156 people during a rally in September 2009, one of the darkest chapters in Guinea’s history.

Camara, who seized power in a coup following the death of long-time President Lansana Conté in 2008, fled the country after surviving an assassination attempt shortly after the massacre. He returned from exile in Burkina Faso in September 2022 to face trial, maintaining his innocence throughout the proceedings.

The 2009 massacre occurred when tens of thousands of protestors gathered in a stadium in Conakry, demanding a return to civilian rule and urging Camara not to run in the upcoming presidential election. The peaceful rally turned into a bloodbath as security forces fired teargas and live ammunition into the crowd, leading to a deadly stampede. Scores of women were also raped during the chaos.

Camara, along with seven of his military commanders, was convicted of murder, rape, torture, and kidnapping, all reclassified as crimes against humanity. Four other defendants were acquitted. Despite his conviction, Camara denied any involvement, with his lawyer labeling the verdict as politically motivated and pledging to appeal the decision.

READ ALSO: Guinea’s ex-leader Camara recaptured after jail break by armed group

This historic judgment brings some measure of justice to the victims and their families, though it comes amidst continued political instability in Guinea. Following a decade of civilian rule under President Alpha Condé, Guinea experienced another coup nearly three years ago, spurred by widespread protests against Condé’s controversial third term.

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