Yobe Int’l Cargo Airport to be completed by May (Pictures)

Governor Buni at Yobe International Cargo Airport.
Governor Buni at Yobe International Cargo Airport.
From Sa’adatu MAINA, Damaturu

The Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni said the Yobe International Cargo Airport (YICA) Damaturu, would be commissioned by May 2020  all things being equal.

Governor Buni disclosed this on Tuesday during an inspection visit to the airport project in Damaturu.

The Governor said the contractors had assured him that the project would be completed and handed over to the state government at the end of April 2020 and that the commissioning should take place a month after.

Governor Buni who commended the contractors for qualitative work, however, observed that “At this critical stage, timely completion and quality finishing are of paramount importance.”

Alhaji Abdu Kukuwa, the Commissioner of Transport Yobe, said the airport’s runway, which according to him was the biggest of any airport in the country, has reached 70 per cent completion.

Whereas the tarmac, terminal building, air traffic control tower and other key facilities were all in advanced stages of completion, he added.


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