Foreign affairs, UN office denies knowledge of creating Uno State of Cameroon


The new country whose name is Uno State of Cameroon was billed for proclamation by the United Nations on July 10, 2020.

In the map of the new country, Nigeria will lose 24 local councils which were said to be captured in the green tree agreement, signed by former President Olusegun Obasanjo for Nigeria and Paul Biya for Cameroon in 2006.

Though some online media referenced the agreement, which gave July 10, 2020, as date for implementation, a source in the united nations has described it as false, saying he does not create countries.

The Former Director General of the National Boundary Commission of Nigeria, said there was no iota of truth in the report purported to have been published in the Guardian to the effect that Nigeria may lose 24 Local government Area councils to new UN STATE on the basis of “Obasanjo, Biya Ceded Territories in 2003”.

As the Director General of the National Boundary Commission of Nigeria 1999 to 2006, I confirmed that there had never been a Summit between Obasanjo and Biya throughout the year 2003. Therefore there could have been no agreement, treaty, communique or any other bilateral exchange of documents between Cameroon and Nigeria on cessation of territories to UN or to anybody for that matter.

The records available confirmed only two meetings of Presidents Obasanjo of Nigeria and Biya of Cameroon on Paris on 5th September 2002 and Geneva on 15 November 2002 both on the invitations of the United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Anan.

The Communiques issued on the two Summits were in respect of the establishment of a Cameroon Nigerian Mixed Commission on the implementation of the decisions of the international Court of justice at the Hague(The World Court) on Bakassi Peninsula and the Land boundary between Nigeria and Cameroon.

The Mixed Commission of which I was a member and Secretary handled the assignment and handed over territories to both Cameroon and Nigeria as ruled by the World Court including Dambore, Narki (BORNO) and Burha Vango (ADAMAWA)to Nigeria and Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon.

The last two meetings between the UN Secretary General and Presidents Biya and Obasanjo, were held in Geneva on 11 May, 2005, and at Greentree, New York on 12 June, 2006 concerning the Modalities of Withdrawal and Transfer of Authority in the Bakassi Peninsula.

On the whole the ruling of 10 October, 2002 of the International Court of justice on the land and maritime dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria was peacefully implemented fully and there was no outstanding matter reserved for UN to create any new state in the affected region.

Dahiru Bobbo OFR former Director general of the National Boundary Commission


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