Amnesty International plotting to destabilise Nigeria


A pressure group, Coalition For Truth and Justice (CFTJ), has informed Nigerians that Amnesty International has earmarked about N10 billion to settle dormant terror NGOs and CSOs to champion the break up of the country.
The organisation also alleged that Amnesty International had been responsible for Boko Haram insurgency in the North East, militancy in the Niger-Delta and the separatist movement agitating for secession in the South East led by the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).
The National Coordinator of CFTJ, Charles Timothy, at a press briefing in Abuja, alleged that AI had intensified plots to destabilise Nigeria.
He therefore, called on the Federal Government to expel AI from Nigeria “as they are backing separatists and extremists against the country’s legitimate authority and sovereignty.”
Timothy advised Nigerians and government to stop the final phase of destabilization from being fully activated.
He said, “We appeal to you, gentlemen of the press, to help amplify this message to the government and the populace because Nigeria and Nigerians cannot afford to be taken unawares by this latest destabilization plot.
“In its latest destabilisation plot, AI has started mobilising some questionable elements under the cover of civil society groups with millions of Naira in the last phase of its project to see to the final destabilisation of Nigeria. This last phase of operation is structured to unite and activate all the dormant terror NGOs and CSOs they have created and term their attack on the populace as “intellectual rebellion”, which is a cover to cause an uprising against the state. This must be taken seriously. This strategy has been employed several times in the past.
“A few CSOs run by true patriots that were approached to join the rebellion so that it can have a larger number have confided in us that as much N10 billion has been earmarked for this phase. In addition to paying for protest logistics, the funds would also be distributed to some senior lawyers in Lagos and Abuja to lead the uprising against the Nigerian state. This development was in response to Amnesty International losing faith in the ability of its assets to trigger the much-expected genocide which would allow it and its backers to label Nigeria as a failed state. On the strength of what we know, we would be lying to claim that all is well when we know that Nigeria is sitting on a primed bomb.”
Timothy said while Boko Haram insurgency in the North East of Nigeria, militancy in the Niger-Delta or the separatist movement by IPOB agitating for secession in the South East of the country were contemporary problems that urgently beg decisive responses, they were also mere symptoms, manifestations of the manipulations of agents of destabilization that are desperate to destroy Nigeria.
boko haram arrested kano
He said, “The core and forefront of this machination against the corporate existence of Nigeria is Amnesty International. It is on record that this so called international human rights non-governmental organization is at the root of Boko Haram, Niger-Delta militancy, secessionists in the South East and even unintended support for kidnappers, whose rights it fights for by claiming that their arrests and occasional death in exchange with security operatives are violations of certain rules.
“Several patriotic groups had taken on Amnesty International on over its role in these groups causing security incidents and breaches for the country. Its response has consistently been that of feigning ignorance, ignoring the indictment or out rightly blackmailing such accusers. It rides on its suppose international credential to ride roughshod on Nigerians whose country it is actively poisoning with the sole intention of destroying.
“The Arab Spring was launched on the heel of such CSO recruitment and training. This was why Egypt for instance clamped down on NGOs in the aftermath of the dislocations caused by Arab Spring. We are talking here about a government swept into power by the very Arab Spring going after the NGOs that collaborated with foreigners to upset the country. It always has to be about the sovereignty of the country and not the vested interests of a group of imperialists and unenlightened minions that do their biddings.
“The same scenario played out in Ukraine where CSOs and NGOs were used as a cover to hijack the legitimate grievances that the local population had about the affairs of their country. Again, even when the NGOs dominated protesters finally brought a new government into power the same government, knowing the treasonable roles they played, soon clamped down on them by introducing legislations that limit their influence.
“This is why we are issuing this timely warning that the Nigerian state must stop sacrificing the safety and wellbeing of citizens on the altar of political correctness. Amnesty International with the CSOs and NGOs it has recruited must not be allowed to push the country beyond the brink before the state decides to act,” he continued.
“We therefore, call on the government and the people to expel them as they are backing separatists and extremists against the country’s legitimate authority and sovereignty. Citizens and government must stop this final phase of destabilization from being fully activated. We appeal to you, gentlemen of the press, to help amplify this message to the government and the populace because Nigeria and Nigerians cannot afford to be taken unawares by this latest destabilisation plot.”


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