Hong Kong teenage-activist charged with secession, sedition, others


Story from Kenneth AFOR, Lagos

Hong Kong teenager, Tony Chung, 19, was on Thursday charged with secession, money laundering and conspiring to publish seditious contents.

Chung was picked up on Tuesday at a coffee shop opposite the US consulate.

If convicted, the teenager may face up to 10 years or life imprisonment under the country’s new law, he is to appear in court on January 7, 2021.

Hong Kong since last year has been facing a political upheaval which has resulted to series of violent pro-democracy protests with its citizens who demand that trials of persons should not be in China and that China should hands off its political interference from the country.

Most of Hong Kong youths are protesting for is the independence or greater autonomy for Hong Kong.

Chung has been arrested on several occasions alongside his three student friends.

The civil unrest has attracted attention from the international community yet the country’s leadership remains adamant in going ahead with the new laws.


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