Speech by Gov Buni during 2021 budget presentation


Wasallallahu Ala-Nabiyul Karim.

Your  Excellency, the Deputy Governor of Yobe State,
Hon. Idi Barde Gubana, (Wazirin Fune).
The Honourable Speaker, Yobe State House of Assembly,
The Right Honourable Alhaji Ahmed Lawan Mirwa,

Your Lordships, the Honourable Chief Judge and the Hon. Grand Kadi,
Honourable Members of the Yobe State House of Assembly,
Distinguished Members of the National Assembly here present,

State Chairman APC,
State Chairmen of other Political Parties here present,
The Brigade Commander, 27 Task Force Brigade Nigerian Army,
The Commissioner of Police, Yobe State Command,
The State Director of Security, Yobe State Command and other Heads of Paramilitary Agencies,

The Secretary to the State Government,
The Head of Service,
Special Advisers, Liaison Officers, Senior Special Assistants and Special Assistants here present,

Permanent Secretaries,
Chief Executives of Federal and State Boards, Parastatals and Heads of Extra-Ministerial Departments,
The Director Personnel Management of Local Government Council
Your Royal Highnesses, Emirs and Mais,
Distinguished Invited Guests,
Gentlemen of the Press,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Assalamu Alaikum.

It is with utmost gratitude to the Almighty Allah for all His bounties and indeed a matter of happiness, honour, privilege and humility that I stand before this Honourable Chamber to discharge my duty of presenting the highlights of the 2021 Appropriation and Finance Bills.

READ ALSO: Gov. Buni presents 2021 budget to State House of Assembly

2.​ Mr Speaker, Honourable Members, Distinguished Invited Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, let me from the outset acknowledge the unique cooperation and collaboration of the Executive and Legislative Arms of Government that underscores our achievements in running the day-to-day affairs of our dear State.

3.​ In spite of the current trying period, our cohesive and collective approach in all political and socio-economic development matters affecting our State combined with the overwhelming support and fervent prayers of our people has enabled us to consolidate on the provision of basic infrastructures and paved the way in making breakthroughs especially in areas of education, health-care, agriculture, commerce, industry and tourism.

I wish to stress that our resilience to COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges in 2020 should be dedicated to the entire good citizenry of Yobe State.


4. ​Giving a review of our performances from 1st January to November 2020 would give a clear picture of our successes to enable us to usher in new proposals for the attainment of our goals in line with the aspiration of our people as contained in our policies and programmes.

The total amount earlier approved for the 2020 Budget was N108,314,101,082. However, the spread of COVID-19 pandemic which negatively affected the entire global economy necessitated us to scale down the total figure of the Budget to N86,049,111,104.

5.​ During the period under review, up to October 2020 the actual revenue receipts from the Federation Account Allocations, Internally Generated Revenue and other sources stood at N65,324,222,370 giving us 75.92% of the reviewed projected target.

Out of the sum of N51,894,502,756 earmarked for recurrent expenditure in the 2020 Budget, the actual amount expended was N37,140,314,084 representing 43.16% success.

The capital expenditure was expected to gulp N34,154,608,348 but the actual amount spent in this area was N22,331,731,120 indicating 65.38% success.  The overall performance of the 2020 budget for both recurrent and capital expenditure was N59,472,045,204 showing 69.11% success.  The percentage is expected to increase before the current fiscal year runs out.

6.​Our performance includes but not limited to the following major highlights:

a) For us to continue to create an enabling environment for efficient and effective service delivery funds amounting to N1,642,776,787 were released for the construction and rehabilitation of court buildings, office and other public structures, provision of furniture, books, journals, computers, ICT materials and other office equipment for the Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

b) The sum of N5,022,792,347 was expended on construction works of the International Cargo Airport, Damaturu.

c) In the drive at the revitalization of education, we were able to inject the sum of N1,211,158,336 for the construction of school buildings and payment of registration, tuition and examination fees.

d) We sustained our efforts in construction and rehabilitation of inter-community roads and township roads and drainages for easier movement of goods and services across the State and beyond by spending a total sum of N3,331,329,930.

e) Over N1.5 billion was expended on electrification of some locations in Damaturu and the major towns, maintenance of solar street lights as well as for procurement of a 650KVA generator for the Yobe State University Teaching Hospital.

f) Utility vehicles for the Ministries, Department and Agencies, security operatives as well as for our pilgrims in Saudi Arabia were procured at a total sum of N1,017,521,571.

g) Over N2.818 billion was paid for the construction of Modern Markets in Damaturu Gashua, Nguru and Potiskum.

h) In our drive at providing decent shelter for the civil servants and the underprivileged citizens over N4.7 billion was spent on the construction of 3,600 houses across the 17 Local Government Areas through the Family Homes Programme.

i) It is also important to note that, we affected payment for servicing short term borrowings and internal public debt to the tune of N2,325,921,617.


7. ​With the progress in the outgoing fiscal year, I can now present our proposal as contained in the 2021 Budget.  Against the background of our achievements in 2020, the 2021 Budget would concentrate on completion of all ongoing projects, creating an enabling environment for youth empowerment and accelerate restoration and improvement of livelihood for the entire citizenry.

8.​ For these reasons, we have decided to tag the 2021 Budget as budget of “RECOVERY, CONSOLIDATION AND ECONOMIC REJUVENATION”. We, therefore, plan to expend a total sum of N106,998,499,776 for the execution of our various projects and programmes.

This figure gave us an increase of N20,949,388,672 or 17.2% over that of 2020 Budget.  Out of the total amount, the sum of N63,184,171,776 or 59.5% has been earmarked for recurrent expenditure while the sum of N43,814,398,000 or 40.95% would be dedicated to the financing of capital expenditure.


9. ​The 2021 budget would largely dwell on completion of all ongoing projects.  We would, therefore, sustain our efforts towards completion of the International Cargo Airport; Trailer Park at Potiskum and Modern markets in Damaturu, Potiskum, Gashua and Nguru as well as Geidam.

Similarly, the road projects of Damagum-Gubana and Nguru-Bulanguwa and township roads in Damaturu, Gashua, Geidam, Nguru and Potiskum will be completed in 2021.  We also intend to construct additional inter and intra township roads across the State.

10. ​Secondly, we would reinvigorate our drive-in providing numerous empowerment packages for our industrious and teeming youth to facilitate the realization of their dream for self-actualization, self-reliance and attainment of economic prosperity.

We would seek the collaboration of various Federal Government Agencies and relevant International Non-Governmental Organizations for the attainment of our goals in this regard. The sum of N1,890,000,000 (One Billion and Eight Hundred and Ninety Million) has been set aside for the execution of various youth empowerment programmes under the N-Cares Programme in the State.

11.​ Thirdly, with our abundant agricultural potentialities, we intend to provide funds for agricultural revitalization towards achieving food security, employment and personal income generation as well as internally generated revenue in the State.  In this regard, we would collaborate with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other relevant organizations for both technical and financial support.

12.​ Fourthly, we would sustain the momentum in the revitalization of education by providing funds for the building and rehabilitation of school structures, provision of teaching and learning materials and ensure prompt payment of our counterpart obligations, tuition registration and examination fees.

13. ​Our Administration is also focused on tapping from our solid minerals and other natural endowments to open up other areas for internal revenue generation and industrialization.

A high-powered Committee under the Chairmanship of the Secretary to the State Government has been constituted to pave the way for establishing a cement factory in partnership with domestic and foreign investors in view of the availability of limestone and gypsum in commercial quantity in the State.
Sectoral Allocations

14.​The Sectoral and Ministerial allocations contained in the estimates of the 2021 Budget are as follows:


15.​Some of the key allocations to the MDAs in 2021 Budget are as follows:
a. Ministry of Works, ​​​​​​-​N7.844 billion
b. Transport and Energy:​​​​​-​N3.530 billion
c. Housing and Property Development ​​​-​N8 billion
d. Health ​​​​​​​-​N2.124 billion
e. Basic and Secondary Education ​​​-​N3.696 billion
f. Agriculture​​​​​​​-​N4.188 billion
g. Commerce, Industry and Tourism​​​-​N4.524 billion
h. Office of the Secretary to the State Government​-​N4.853 billion
i. Rural Electrification Board ​​​​-​N1.595 billion
j. House of Assembly​​​​​-​N2.240 billion
The detail of the Budget is contained in the Finance and Appropriation Bills.

16. ​In addition to various programmes which are directly funded through the State resources, we have gone into partnership with World Bank for the implementation of various projects.  The projects include:

a.​ Multi-sectoral Crisis Recovery Project (MCRP)

17.​ The Multi-sectoral Crisis Recovery Project (MCRP) is a special intervention programme that aims to complement the efforts of the Federal Government and the three most affected states in the Northeast by the insurgency.

The project has been carrying out its activities in the Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, Water Supply sub-sectors and restoration of livelihood, among others, across the State.

18.​ The Project would soon embark on complete rehabilitation of the 40-kilometre Gujba-Ngalda road. Similarly, the Danchuwa-Jajere road construction work would commence in 2021. There are also twenty-three itemized projects that would roll over to 2021 including empowerment packages.

19.​ The projects being executed by the MCRP are many. The MCRP Coordinator is hereby directed to submit quarterly report regularly to the Office of the Secretary to the State Government and Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning to avoid duplication of efforts.

b.​ Saving One Million Lives Programme

20.​ The State has recorded remarkable success in the implementation of the Saving One Million Lives Programme that fetched us a special grant by the World Bank. The programme is undertaking rehabilitation and upgrading of fifty-three (53) Primary Healthcare Centres across the seventeen (17) LGAs.

The Maternal and Child Complex in the Yobe State University Teaching Hospital (YSUTH) funded by the Programme will be completed in 2021.

21.​ I wish to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the World Bank, European Union, other Multilateral Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, philanthropists and other stakeholders on their technical and financial support to our post-insurgency recovery efforts.

22.​ Mr Speaker, Honourable Members, Distinguished invited guests, ladies and gentlemen, we should all remain grateful to the Almighty Allah for the return of peace that serves as the bedrock for the conduct of all legitimate endeavours of our people.

We should also continue to be appreciative of the patriotism, dedication and gallantry of the Armed forces, other security operatives, the Vigilante Groups in the ultimate drive at the restoration of law and order in the State.

We would continue to give good service delivery for the stability and progress of our State. The present administration of Yobe State would, therefore, continue to give the security operatives the required support and assistance to enable them to discharge their responsibilities most effectively and efficiently.

23.​ I also wish to reiterate my appeal to the entire Yobe State citizenry to continue to pray for the full return of peace and prosperity in the State in particular and Nigeria at large.


24.​ In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my deepest appreciation to the Honourable Members of the Yobe State House of Assembly for their persistent understanding and cooperation with the Executive Arm thereby paving the way for recording remarkable achievements in this trying period of our National development.

We would continue to count on your cooperation in the discharge of our duties with the common zeal to take our State to the next level of stability, social cohesion and rapid economic growth and development. We should all seek Almighty Allah’s guidance in the discharge of our responsibilities as leaders and ensure that our actions are in tandem with the yearnings and aspirations of all Yobeans.

25. ​The Right Honourable Speaker, Honourable Members of the Yobe State House of Assembly, I firmly believe in the commitment and diligence of this Honourable House to peruse through the 2021 Appropriation and Finance Bills, with the view of timely passing them into law to enable us collectively address the myriad of challenges facing our dear State.

26.​ I now have the singular pleasure, honour and privilege to present to the Honourable House the 2021 proposed Budget as provided for in section 121, sub-section (1) 2 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.

Thank you for all the attention.


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