55-year-old Nigerian arrested in Liberia after excreting N9 million worth of narcotics


A 55-year-old Nigerian Joseph Nwajiaku was arrested at the Roberts International Airport in Liberia’s capital city of Monrovia over the weekend for carrying narcotic substances valued at $20,730.

Nwajiaku, who was aboard a Kenyan flight from Malawi to Monrovia on November 12, was arrested following a tipoff.

An official Special Agent Trokon Jackson of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) who confirmed the arrest said Joseph Nwajiaku, 55, after hours of interrogation at the airport passed out 23 tubes of heroin lodged in his belly.

He was later transferred to LDEA headquarters in Fiamah Sinkor where he also passed out another 11 tubes of raw heroin.

The Liberian Observer report that Nwajiaku has already been charged with “unlicensed importation and illegal distribution of narcotic substances as contained in subchapter 14.101 of the amended October 17, 2014, Penal Code of Lib.”

Meanwhile, some other Nigerian suspects were also recently arrested in connection with illegal possession and distribution of narcotic substances across Liberian communities.

A search warrant issued by the Bushrod Island magisterial court in Monrovia led to the arrest of suspects from the Clara Town and Jamaica Road community. Drugs worth $33,000 were seized.

Nigerians arrested in the raid include Ifeanyi Osadebe, 47; Chinedu Okwe, 25; and Chisom Eze, 19. Over 50 suspects from Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone were nabbed and are being prosecuted.

All suspects mentioned in this report are presumed innocent until proven guilty.


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