Outgoing Trump insults supreme court, says they lacked courage, wisdom for not supporting him


The outgoing U.S president has condemned the decision of the country’s topmost court for dismissing a lawsuit filed by Texas attorney-general, seeking to block electors in four battleground states saying it lacked courage and wisdom.

The Supreme Court had tossed out a suit filed by the attorney general of Texas backed by President Donald Trump that sought to throw out the results of the election in four states that went for Joe Biden.

Trump had pinned his hopes on the court taking the case, even though legal experts were certain that the justices would reject the effort. Nevertheless, more than 100 Republican House members joined a brief supporting the lawsuit, even though it sought to overturn the will of voters in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

“The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!”, Trump raged on Twitter.

He expressed dismay that the court did not even consider the merit of the case before trashing it.

And he went ahead to repeat baseless claims of election fraud, flagged by Twitter as untrue.

“So, you’re the President of the United States, and you just went through an election where you got more votes than any sitting President in history, by far – and purportedly lost. You can’t get “standing” before the Supreme Court, so you “intervene” with wonderful states ….that, after careful study and consideration, think you got “screwed”, something which will hurt them also.

“Many others likewise join the suit but, within a flash, it is thrown out and gone, without even looking at the many reasons it was brought. A Rigged Election, fight on!”.

Before the judgment on Friday night, Trump had attempted via scaremongering to sway the justices of the court to accede to the request of Texas.

He claimed to have information that the Joe Biden administration will expand the Supreme Court into a 25 to 26 member court, instead of the present nine.

The Supreme Court rejected the long-shot lawsuit by Texas, which Trump backed, seeking to throw out voting results in four states.

The short ruling dealt a fatal blow to Trump’s quest to undo his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden.

The decision of the court allows the U.S. Electoral College to press ahead with a meeting on Monday, where it is expected to formally cast its votes and make Biden’s victory official.

Biden, a Democrat, has amassed 306 votes to Trump’s 232 in the state-by-state Electoral College, which allows votes to all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on population.

The four states in question – Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – contributed a combined 62 votes to Biden’s total. To win the White House, 270 votes are needed.

In a brief order, the justices said Texas did not have legal standing to bring the case, abruptly ending what Trump had touted this week as his best hope for overturning the election.


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