State-owned hospitals to get bailout – Nasarawa CMD


The CMD of Nasarawa State Hospitals Management Board has announced bail out at the interim for state owned general hospitals, as part of effort to keep the General Hospitals going while they awaits efforts by the state government.

In a statement signed by the NSHMB information officer Bilkisu Adamu,  The bail out was announced during meeting of key management staff at the board headquarters will be disbursed from savings by various facilities with monitoring and supervisory visits done to checkmate excesses and provide on the spot support where necessary.

The CMD also created a procurement unit to ensure maintenance of standard in procurement processes in line with the guidelines of state bureau for procurement.

Furthermore, The CMD urge participants on attitudinal change while Directors talked about keeping death and birth records and attending to call duty stressing that every patient is treated with utmost care and dignity, accurate documentation of birth, death certificate were also emphasised as funding is no longer an issue with the hospital.


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