How my stepfather got me pregnant at the age of 16


Kaitlin Jenner had an ordinary childhood a loving home, great parents, and lots of family holidays.

But she was hiding a dark secret that her evil stepdad, Anthony Webster, now 47-years-old, was sexually assaulting her in a campaign of abuse that ended with him getting her pregnant at 16-years-old.

Kaitlin, now 23-year-old, from Halifax, West Yorks, believes justice will be done after Webster admitted two counts of sexual activity with a child at Bradford Crown Court last month.

Webster was found guilty of four sex assault charges and acquitted four others, including two counts of rape.

She told the Sun: “Everyone thought he was a great Dad.

“We had a good childhood. We went on lots of holidays and trips out.

“But in secret, he groomed, manipulated, and abused me and made me believe that our relationship was normal.”

Kaitlin never knew her real dad who left before she was born.

But unemployed Webster became like a dad to her after he coupled up with her mum, Bridget, when Kaitlin was four.

“Abused while doing the dishes”

The couple had two more children together but Kaitlin says that she was always Anthony’s favourite.

She says: “I called Anthony ‘Dad’ and he was the only father figure I had ever known.

“Everyone thought he was a wonderful dad.”

Kaitlin now says in hindsight the signs of what was to come had been there from age 11-year-old.

She said: “Looking back, he groomed me from a very early age.

“He would intervene when Mum was disciplining me, and completely undermine her.

“She would accuse him of favouring me and it caused arguments.

She claims: “When I was washing the dishes, which was my daily chore, Anthony would rest his hand on my bum.

“I felt deep down that the way he was touching my bum and being suggestive wasn’t right but I couldn’t admit it.

“I didn’t understand what was happening. I loved him; he was my dad”

“He called me his ‘missus'”

As Kaitlin reached age 15-year-old, Anthony began his twisted campaign of sexual abuse.

She says: “At first he touched me over my clothes.

“But then he began creeping into my room in the middle of the night and touching me under my clothes.

“He had a keyring with a miniature torch on the end and he shone it under my duvet so he could see me.”

But Kaitlin says Anthony convinced her they were in a real relationship even referring to her as “the missus”.

Kaitlin said: “I look just like my Mum and it seemed he had transferred his feelings for her onto me.

“He took me on dates and told me that we would be together forever. I was completely brainwashed.”

Soon the impact of abuse began to affect Kaitlin – who, aged 15 in 2012, tried in vain to report Anthony to the police.

“At night, I wrapped myself in my duvet, like a cocoon, to try to keep him away.

“I developed dreadful insomnia, I was too scared to sleep, and then I’d be falling asleep in school.

“I confided in my mum. She confronted him and he denied it.

“Mum made him take a lie detector test and then the police got involved, but there were no charges.

“I was sent to live with my gran for a while but, I was sent home again, back to the abuse.

“I felt powerless nobody believed me.”

Off the rails

From the distress of being abused, Kaitlin soon started to drink and smoke weed to help her pain.

She said: “I was desperate and I went off the rails.

“Social services got involved but I insisted to them that everything was fine because I was so frightened of the repercussions from Anthony.”

Kaitlin says Anthony, a Jekyll and Hyde character, treated the teen like she was his girlfriend taking her to the cinema and giving her cannabis.

She said: “He bought me new shoes, he took me out on dates and told me that we were going to be together forever.

“This was all behind my Mum’s back.

“I didn’t know what to do. He treated me like I was his property. I was suicidal.”

Just before Kaitlin’s 16th birthday, her mother left Webster and the family moved to Scotland.

But her relationship with her mother broke down and Kaitlin found herself homeless.

She says: “I had nowhere else to go, and I went back to the man who had abused me. I was completely under his control.

“Anthony behaved as though we were in a normal relationship.

“He was very manipulative and controlling. I was a wreck. I couldn’t make a decision without him.”

“Baby girl gave me courage”

When Kailtin was 16 years old, she fell pregnant with Webster’s child. Her daughter was born in December 2015.

She says holding the tiny baby in her arms gave her the courage to break free from her abuser and her suicidal despair.

Kaitlin said: “The moment I became a mother, the penny dropped.

“The life I was living and the way I thought of my dad was all wrong.

“I now had a child to look after and I felt I had to pull myself together.

“I look at my daughter and I know that I would do anything to protect her.

“How could the man who called himself my father set out to ruin me in the way that he did?

“My daughter saved me. I don’t know where I would be without her.”

She added: “I realised that I would never let anyone hurt her or abuse her and I knew I had to get away and make a new start.

“River absolutely saved my life. It didn’t matter to me where she had come from. She was my reason to look to the future.”

In 2017, Caitlin made a second complaint against Webster and this time police took her seriously.

She says: “I spoke to a wonderful police officer who was so supportive. For the first time, I felt like someone was on my side.”

Anthony Webster appeared before Bradford Crown Court last month and will be sentenced on 10 May.

Ahead of the trial, Webster pleaded guilty to having sexual activity with a child family member in relation to River’s conception when the victim was aged 16 and sex on one other occasion.

He denied two counts of rape, one count of sexual assault of a child under the age of 13, one count of sexual assault of a child under the age of 16 and two counts of sexual activity with a child under the age of 16.

A jury deliberated for seven hours and 24 minutes before finding him guilty of the two counts he pleaded guilty to and two counts of sexual activity with a child under the age of 16 in relation to incidents when she was aged 15. He was acquitted of the other four charges.

The prosecutor said: “DNA tests have revealed that the defendant is the father of that child.”

Kaitlin said: “After the court case, I felt a great sadness.

“I was grieving the loss of a Dad; the loss of the man I had thought he was.

“Now I realise this did not love, this was abuse. I am very proud of myself for speaking out.

“I have justice at last, for me and for my daughter.”

Although Kaitlin is happy with the verdict, she is still dealing with the trauma of her younger years while raising her daughter, now five, and another child she’s had since with a different father.

Although she is rebuilding her relationship with her mother, she says it has been strained by how she feels Bridget dealt with the grooming claims.

Kaitlin said: “The relationship with my mum is a complex one. I don’t feel she did enough to protect me but I understand her position as well.

“She had to leave Webster too.

“I want her to be a grandmother to my kids and I want to rebuild our family with her in it.”

Bridget Jenner told the Sun: “Every one of us has suffered individually but Kaitlin was the real victim.

“I understand what Kaitlin is saying. I understand what has happened and what she has said.

“She’s right, we have had a complex relationship since it all started. I mean, it’s hard for me. It really was a totally different situation for me.

“But we are strong, we are a tight little group together. We are close and we are building our friendship up.”

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