The Arbiter gives way, readers have your say

Let’s talk hope, by Hassan Gimba
Hassan Gimba.

Today, The Arbiter is going to give our readers the opportunity for their comments about our write-ups to be published. The comments are all from our Facebook readers, excluding other social media platforms like WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Excluded are also comments through SMS and calls.

RE: TY Danjuma And Nigeria’s Present And Future (1), by Hassan Gimba

Thanks for informing us about the duties and sacrifices of the elder statesman TY Danjuma. I used to have some misgivings about what I used to regard as his ‘feigned’ patriotism and philanthropy. But this column has substantially educated me much more about him and his causes. Your concluding paragraphs, the last four, have taught me the difference between performing the Hajj together with the Prophet and entering paradise together with him, SAW.
Adamkolo M. Ibrahim

President Goodluck Jonathan was the school visitor in 2013 and not 2003 Sir?
Babagana Muhammad Bunu

Very nice write-up, a to flashback to the founding fathers of this great nation like T.Y Danjuma and so on. Apparently, at this moment we are seeking them back to watch and act like before.
Hassan Adamu Alfaki

That Nigeria is still divided along regional, ethnic and religious lines has continued to beat my imagination, the reason being that the consequences of such division have always dealt heavy blows on all of us, not sparing either of the divides and with the underprivileged feeling the brunt more than anyone else. Yet, we choose to look up to see who’s talking, not minding the truths contained in the talk.
It is because of this that most of us forgot so quickly the roles TY Danjuma played in keeping Nigeria one and in defending and promoting northern Nigeria, when he dared to speak up in such a way that we all know wouldn’t appease our man in Aso Rock.
Now that we are here, I just hope we will boldly tell those whose responsibility it is to secure us from criminals to rise to the occasion and not derelict their primary assignment lest we get consumed by our seeming conspiratorial silence and covert support for a derailing system.

Yahaya Abdulrahman

Table shaking! More ink to your pen.
Dr Ukasha Ismail

More ink to your pen, my mentor.
Comrade Saidu Isah Nguru
I appreciate this objectivity. He’s now frail and cannot really repeat what he told Nigerians then. But you pointed out our northern leaders had reechoed same and it’s left for the youths to see reason and wake up. Following politicians bumper to bumper for stipends won’t help. Thanks doc, the awareness you create is wholesome.
Raymond Gukas
Many have witnessed his achievements to this today. I really respect him once again and you, too, for creating awareness about the person of TY for those who don’t know him and have some hatred towards him for not knowing who he is and kind of personality he is.
Alhaji Yerima Abubakar

Thank you for educating me, I learn from you, sir.

Mohammed Idriss Jada

Excellent piece Dr, may your pen continue to flow and make the desired impacts of salvaging the terrible situation in Nigeria, amen. Jazzakallahu Khairan.
Professor Mohammed Khalid Othman

Very analytical.

Shuaibu Ajani

Well said and educative, sir.
Iliya Manasseh

Very fantastic sir, God bless you.

Uten Nuhu Habu
Yes, this is the real truth about him and I believe if given a chance he will continue his positive contribution to this great nation of ours that is almost finishing. But at the same time, people like him may not like to, for so many reasons. If only the northern youths can be given the chance and sponsorship to attend to that height, which, I believe, we can get such within our youths, but (such opportunities are) always being hijacked by the old brains that are almost going and will have nothing to offer, rather it be confusion from every direction; that will not help us. Please let’s think and act fast, so that the blames we are hearing and feeling or experiencing today will not be better than what we will experience later or in future. There is nothing that God can not adjust. We are not the first country that is bad. Some were worse than ours, but now very OK. We know all that we will shun or do. Thank you.
Cecilia Joseph Anzaku

Wallahi, I respect his post always because its view of contemporary issues.
Now we need TY Danjuma and so on to say or do something on these problems.

Hassan Adamu Alfaki

RE: What Have We Done For the Next Generation?, by Hassan Gimba

It’s just unfortunate the way we are going, sir,  but God’s eyes are still attentive for our repentence, for amendment, so that our cries and prayers would be heard by God alone, the maker of heaven and earth and all creatures. He is a loving God. We hate hearing that he is also a consuming fire, too.
Cecilia Joseph Anzaku

This piece is a product of deep intellectiual reasoning. I must commend you for a job well done here.
I totally agree. Truly what Nigeria needs is an internal change. This is why I always emphasize that Nigeria needs mental revolution!
The leadership and followership need a mind reset. Truth be told, we are all flocks of the same feathers. From the macro to the minutest unit of the society we exhibit the same attitude. The poor and the rich, the elite and masses are alike in thinking.
As long as there is no change in attitude, a mental revolution, we will remain where we are, living in circles.
Isaac Ochegbudu Akpachi

You’re always in the forefront in telling these corrupt politicians the truth.
In Malaysia, one can’t be a minister until he studies a course in public administration.
in your interview with DW Hausa, you clearly stated that injustice is one reason for what we are still facing – insecurity.
Dr Aliyu Tilde yesterday wrote on his Facebook wall that the cabal is Nigeria’s problem, don’t blame Buhari, but in my point of view, Nigeria didn’t vote cabal, we voted Buhari and brought his political party, APC, into power.

Musa Bukar Musa

True talk, actually we don’t have anything to offer to the next generation. So sad.
Sa’ad Dagona

Thank you, sir, that is the issue with our Hausa/Fulani. We are not effectively concerned with our younger generation.
Bashir Abdullahi Misau

Indeed, we have fallen short of our moral duties, to the detriment of the next generation.
Dr Ukasha Ismail

God bless you, doc. I think much of the blame should go to the followership because we allowed the leaders to chart a direction for us as if we’re robots. Soyinka’s labour workers’ day exhortation says this much. The followers will rise in defence of their “hero” because of sentiment, and these are the same people you see riding achaba together later, full of lamentation. Unless the followership sits and agrees, there’s a problem. The future generation is doomed as you opined.
Raymond Gukas

Nigeria lacks many of your kind in her population. What even pains me about Nigeria is that leaders are always right, and those who want to speak the truth to power are sinners.
It’s unfortunate and very sad the way Nigeria is moving now. But I’m very much optimistic and hopeful that Nigeria may change for posterity.
May God bless your effort and keep your courage to continue speaking the truth without fear or favour.

Baba Alhaji Mele

Well said. It is a good observation of Nigeria’s problems and these may not be ends unless we get an internal revolution in our dear nation.
Apparently, the leadership and the process of ruling are quite different from the developed countries. The problems were encountered since our first republic, where leaders of the three regions of the country drastically failed in their leadership right from the beginning. They injected great corruption in our minds, everything was about self-interest. If a person is not from your region, you can’t access him. By the way, the mentorship and otherwise coexist in their leadership. That is what this generation will tell the next generation.
Normally, it’s not our fault; this is what we inherited from our previous generation. In fact, people like Sardauna, Azikiwe and Awolowo are the major problems of this country and we will never succeed through their philosophy. They are the founders of godfatherism..
Hassan Adamu Alfaki

Good write-up. Allah ya kara basira, Baba.
Haruna Nasiru H Waziri

It couldn’t have been said better. It takes a bold and sincere mind to speak out in this manner, especially considering that not only do we have a set of leaders who have failed to deliver on the goals of genuine leadership but have grown intolerant of stark truth much as it does not sound pleasing to them. For this, I say well-done and pray Allah to preserve you.
Yahaya Abdulrahman

Well done, keep it up!
Abdullahi Maina Dagona

Corruption and indiscipline: these are what we copied from the previous generation.
And the only way out is to conduct an internal revolution. Also, if care is not taken, they (our next generation) will follow in our footsteps.
Hassan Adamu Alfaki

Beautiful and edifying write-up, a candid wake-up call! But do we take it with the seriousness the writer wishes us to? We must make some sacrifices to do something to at least secure the future of our children. I’m flabbergasted!
Ali Manga Bulama


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