Dear Professor Governor, the Need for Commissioner of Internal Security and Conflict Resolution, by Ibrahim Mohammed Kareto


Since the beginning of the Boko Haram crisis in 2009, estimates from official figures show that more than 40,000 people have been killed, 3,029,509 people displaced in their communities and 307,762 Nigerian refugees are in Niger, Cameroon and Chad.

Although the unofficial figures may be way more than these figures, this writer chooses only to stick with the verifiably available figures.

There’s no single person living in Borno state that has not been directly or indirectly affected by this dreadful carnage.

Whilst the figures above is that of the Lake Chad Region, it is common Knowledge that Borno State being the epicentre of the violent conflict has the highest casualty in the ongoing violent conflict.

Your Excellency Sir, I have written a lot about why and how the counterinsurgency approach should include other aspects of violent conflict resolution.

But sadly, people who believed they were dense actually thought I was too lame to propose such solutions.

So they rant ‘kill them all!’ Alas! Here we are, 11 years and still counting. I regretfully hope they have now learned the hard way.

On the basis of the above Sir, I wish to respectfully suggest that the state government needs to have a ministry specially dedicated to handle issues related to security and conflict in the state.

The benefit of this is that it serves as a demonstration of his Excellency’s commitment and resolve to steer the State out of its present predicament.

Again, it will also help in promoting and sustaining a rigorous and healthy collaboration between the state and the international humanitarian organisations and United Nations agencies that are present in the State.

After all, who knows tomorrow? Vice President or President? Your policies and programmes, while you were in office, will no doubt play a significant role in whether you would receive the support of the international community or not.

Looking at the gravity of the problem, having an ‘adviser on security’ seems to be not enough.

When choosing a commissioner for this ministry, Your Excellency, it would be a good idea to go for a professional, rather than rewarding a friendship or political loyalty; choose an intellectual who is vastly knowledgeable and well experienced in the conflict dynamics of the Sahel and the Lake Chad Region, select someone who is well skilful in international relations and keeps abreast of researches in modern countert-terrorism responses and violent conflicts.

This is because there’s only one way left to win this war – knowledge and evidence-based response!

Traditionally, in this part of the world, chief executives only appoint people from the armed forces into such positions.

This is not necessary, because, in the United States for example, where we copied a large chunk of our system of governance, National Security Advisers (NSAs) were often not chosen from the conventional security forces.

Lastly, I would like to use this medium to congratulate you on your second anniversary in office, it has been a success.

May Allah protect and give you more wisdom to discharge your responsibilities in the remaining years. Ameen.


  1. I am glad to read this, because it is exactly my presentation at the seminar organized by national institute for Peace and conflict resolution abuja early this year at Akure. It was attended by many people, academics, journalists and several other people were given hard copies of the presentation paper. I am glad to find it posted here now, it was my submissions for all the governors in Nigeria. I still have the blue print of how the ministry of internal security and conflict resolution could work in order to be greatly effective.
    Dr Akinwumi Gideon, PhD international relations, and peace management, international professional security expert. 08038079547


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