Maulud Anniversary: Clerics urge Muslims to emulate Prophet Mohammed’s virtues

Maulud Anniversary: Clerics urge Muslims to emulate Prophet Mohammed's virtues

Maulud Anniversary: Clerics urge Muslims to emulate Prophet Mohammed’s virtues

Story from Rabi’atu, Lokoja

The 4th National Maulud Anniversary in honour of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) has commenced in Lokoja charging Muslims all over the world to emulate the lifestyle of the Prophet for the Mercy of Allah.

The Ejeh of Dekina and Chairman of the Occasion, Doctor Usman Obaje gave the charge while declaring open the three-day Maulud organised by Jam’iyyatu Ansarideen Attijaniyya in Lokoja the Kogi state capital.

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The Royal Father said the need for Muslim ummah to emulate and abide by the lifestyle of the prophet has become necessary saying that it will help the world maintain a peaceful co-existence devoid of crises and other social vices.

Doctor Obaje said the world can only be peaceful and better for all when people do the needful and follow the right part as exemplified by Prophet Muhammad, he also commended the organisers of the program and challenged all and sundry to learn and change their daily dealings for Allah’s mercy.

A guest lecturer at the occasion, Doctor Usama Magaji, Imam of the Federal University Lafia, Nasarawa State, said Muslims should always respect one another irrespective of their position in the society advising that they emulate the simplicity and humility of the Prophet.

In his paper titled “The Economic System of Prophet Planning, Lessons from the Hijra”, Professor Usama Magaji urged Muslims to plan their economics based on Islamic injunction.

The Imam cautioned Muslims against indulging in businesses that are not allowed in Islam describing such acts as the source of problems in the society.

Also speaking, Professor Abdullahi Aminu Sufi of Sokoto state University, who spoke on the paper titled “Hours of the Prophet’s Daily Life, Lessons and Morals”, urged those occupying public offices on trust to discharge their duties with the fear of Allah.

“The Prophet says we should respect one another and we should not treat anybody with disdain or being wicked to one another. The Prophet was very generous with a significant hallmark of leadership which Muslims should also emulate to have a peaceful society” he said.

Professor Aminu Sufi said the significance of the topic was for Muslim Ummah to be diligent, generous, patient and above all be obedient servants of Allah and called on the youths to respect their parents and constituted authority.


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