Chihuahua tears off woman’s entire eyelid after she got lashes done (pictures)


A woman identified as Kelsey Salmon has been terribly deformed on the face, after a Chihuahua dog bit off her entire eyelid which landed her in the hospital.

Salmon went to get her eyelashes done in the salon while preparing for her birthday celebration.

Kelsey Salmon, from Atlanta, Georgia, US, planned to get her eyelashes done for her birthday and a long-planned holiday to Hawaii.

When her usual lash technician was fully booked, the 23-year-old found an alternative on Instagram.

She went for her lash appointment but moments after her beauty treatment finished, the technician’s dog, a chihuahua which Kelsey had been stroking happily earlier, lunged at her in an unprovoked attack.

Horrifying photos show Kelsey’s entire eyelid lay discarded still with her brand new extensions still attached.

The 23-year-old ended up in the hospital, where she underwent surgery to reattach the flesh, leaving the eye shut for 10 days.

Medics told her the wound will take up to a year to heal properly.

Social media users have been sympathising with her, others went ahead to comment about how chihuahuas behave. An Anonymous said ”Chihuahuas are bipolar and evil little freaks, one minute they are happy, the next they are biting your eyelid off!!!


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