Anglican Diocese honours Ondo first lady on fight against breast cancer

Ondo First Lady, Arabinrin Betty Anyanwu Akeredolu.
Ondo First Lady, Arabinrin Betty Anyanwu Akeredolu.


Ondo State first (1st) lady, Betty Anyawu-Akeredolu, on Friday received the Diocesan Award of Honour by the Anglican Diocese of Idoani for her immense contribution on the fight against breast cancer in the country.

The event was held at the Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity, Idoani, Ose Local Government Area, Ondo State.

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The first lady while giving her speech commended the church in joining the Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria (BRECAN) to fund the cancer awareness programme as well as stepping out of their domain in disregarding unfounded beliefs on cancerous lumps.

She said, “The new synergy initiated by the Anglican Diocese of Idoani with the Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria under the Bishop Agara Adegoke is the new page in the history of cancer fight. It is the type of partnership that is coming to fill a major gap, and one that I am very proud of it.

“And now that Idoani diocese has created the template for other religious organisations to emulate in raising breast cancer awareness among congregations, we can therefore expect a new order.”

“The church has made the right decision, at the right time and with the right association. As an organization, Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria (BRECAN) has made indelible marks in the fight

against breast cancer in Nigeria. Its wins are tall in public education, awareness creation, research and patients’ support.

“The summation of the profile and performance of the organisation Idoani diocese is partnering with is in the fact that it emerged nationally as the best cancer-fighting organisation in 2021, yet it has come this far on the strength of public donations and crowd funding.”

The wife of the governor who is a cancer survivor however promised not to relent on the cause but would rather continue to spread the word with like minded individuals on the possibility of breast cancer survival.

“I will rather continue to preach the illustrious gospel so that more women can join the increasing league of breast cancer survivors in this part of the world.

Let it be said for the umpteenth time that breast cancer is purely a medical issue that can be treated and defeated.

“This has been repeatedly proven. It is a fact that we must all recognise so that we can at once alter the evil tide of women carelessly dying of the disease. I am standing before you today as your First Lady because I recognize this fact far back 1997 and took the right decision. 25 years after, I am here, as fit as a fiddle. That we cannot continue to feed religious and cultural sentiments to our own detriment is a statement already well made by the church,” she added.


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