Yobe gov’t employs 14 pharmacists, technicians into drug consumables agency


Yobe gov’t employs 14 pharmacists, technicians into drug consumables agency

Story from Sa’adatu MAINA, Damaturu

In an effort to improve and support the efficient and effective implementation of the Drugs and Medical Consumables Management Agency, the Yobe state government has employed 12 pharmacists and two pharmacy technicians for the implementation of the Agency’s mandate.

Yobe State Commissioner for Health, Dr Muhammad Lawan Gana, disclosed this Tuesday in Damaturu while briefing newsmen.

Gana stated that the present administration in the state under the leadership of Governor Mai Mala Buni is committed to making the health and wellbeing of the people of the state a priority.

He revealed that Governor Buni had assured the citizens of improving access to health services, providing functional and standard systems across the wards of the state and improving the scope and coverage of services thereby moving the state closer to the achievement of Universal Health
Coverage through the mantra of consolidation, continuity and innovation.

“Governor Buni is committed to the establishment of one standard and functional PHC system in each of the 178 wards of the state, one general hospital in each local government area headquarters and enhancement of tertiary healthcare services.

“138 PHC facilities at various levels of rehabilitation and upgrade, procurement and distribution of customised tricycle, ambulances, enhancement of the state free MNCH and accident victims programme under the larger umbrella of the Expanded Free Healthcare Scheme
and conduct four rounds of seasonal malaria, chemo prevention and
distribution of over two million ITNs”, the health commissioner explained.

Gana further revealed that the health ministry in the period under review also constructed a 250-bed capacity maternal and child health complex about to be commissioned, constructed a 200-bed capacity isolation centre, constructed and furnished 30 room capacity interns’ staff quarters and constructed a 150-seat capacity lecture theatre all at the state’s University Teaching Hospital in Damaturu.

He commended Governor Buni for being an extraordinary leader with an uncommon conscience for fulfilling promises and who goes the extra mile to see to the achievement of results.