Despite outbreak of deadly Anthrax disease, abattoirs slaughter, sell sick animals to Nigerians

Despite outbreak of deadly Anthrax disease, abattoirs slaughter, sell sick animals to Nigerians
A sick cattle on a wheel barrow being taken to the slaughter house.

Despite outbreak of deadly Anthrax disease, abattoirs slaughter, sell sick animals to Nigerians

Nigeria reported its first anthrax outbreak on Monday, July 17, 2023 a few weeks after the federal government warned Nigerians against the consumption of hides (ponmo) as well as smoked and bush meat.

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis.

It occurs naturally in soils and commonly affects domestic and wild animals around the world.

People can get sick with anthrax if they come in contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. And it can cause severe illness in both humans and animals.

READ ALSO: Hours of boiling meat does not destroy anthrax – Expert warns

On the 25th July, 2023, a research team visited Suleja Abattoir to take blood samples of some cattles in respect of the outbreak of anthrax disease, trypanosomiasis, Onchocerciasis that is currently in the news.

When the team got to the Suleja Abattoir, a lot of cattles looked sickly and unhealthy.

They also noted that despite the fact that this cattles appeared very sick, they were still taken to the slaughter house on a wheel barrow.

The researchers gathered that the seemingly sick cows will be slaughtered and the meat will be sold in the market for public consumption.

They tried to make further inquires and attempted to take pictures and record some videos of the development at the abattoir, the people in charge of the abattoir put up a strong resistance and prevented them from recording and taking pictures of some of the animals.

However, they persisted and eventually was able to get one picture before the team was abruptly stopped.

Lingering a little more at the abattoir, some people came and insisted they eft the abattoir and forcefully chased them out of the abattoir.

“From what we witnessed at the Suleja abattoir, it is evident that people are not taking the outbreak of anthrax seriously and this attitude and approach will pose more health challenge in Nigeria.

“The only way to get rid of animals manifesting symptoms of suspected cases of anthrax is by inceneration, burning the animals infected with the bacteria. It is also noted, that heat from the stove or gas cookers cannot kill the bacteria in the meats even when boiled as some people believe.

“From what we saw at the abattoir and our findings, it is important that Nigerians must be careful when purchasing meat from vendors. Taking into cognisance where and how we buy our beef.

“There is a lot of corruption going on in Nigerian, sadly the people charged with the responsibility of checkmating this vices and control on all this kind of anomalies turn a blind eye to the situation.

“Some abattoirs in Nigeria are slaughtering sick animals and selling it to the public for consumption. This indeed calls for concern. A lot is happening at the Abattoirs.



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