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Exploring Africa’s largest cattle market in Potiskum (Photos)

* The market stands alone as the largest in Africa. * Contributing between N500K to N1 million in revenue. * Need for infrastructural improvements.


Exploring Africa’s largest cattle market in Potiskum (Photos)

Story from Kasim Isa MUHAMMAD 

Every Wednesday, the bustling cattle market, also known as Kasuwar TK, draws visitors from countries like Cameroon, Niger, and Chad who come to buy and sell cattle and camels.

Exploring Africa's largest cattle market in Potiskum (Photos)
Cattles at Kasuwar TK in Potiskum

During a visit, Neptune Prime discovered that the market is a significant source of revenue for the Yobe State Government, with each cattle being taxed N200 upon entry.

Muhammad Gyande, Chairman of Miyetti Allah in Potiskum LGA, proudly shared that the market loads around 80 to 100 trucks of cattle destined for different parts of the country, while emphasizing that the market stands alone as the largest in Africa due to its scale of operations.

Exploring Africa's largest cattle market in Potiskum (Photos)
Cattles on standby to be sold to buyers within and outside Nigeria.

Gyande stated, “We pride ourselves as the premier cattle market in Africa, contributing between N500K to N1 million in revenue. While we face certain challenges, we are hopeful that the government will provide assistance.”

One issue highlighted by Gyande is the lack of adequate facilities, such as proper latrines and selling posts.

Also, Malam Musa Lawal, a seasoned cattle seller with over 41 years of experience at the Potiskum main cattle market stressed the importance of selling posts and better restroom facilities.

Exploring Africa's largest cattle market in Potiskum (Photos)
This market stands alone as the largest in Africa due to its scale of operations.

Lawal emphasized, “Potiskum holds its reputation as Africa’s largest cattle market. In the past, we loaded approximately 80 cattle-laden trucks destined for various parts of the country.

“The N200 cattle tax generated substantial revenue. Nevertheless, we urge the government to reinvest a portion of this income into modernizing the market.”

Additionally, Malam Abbakar Machukumna confirmed that a compulsory N200 revenue charge is indeed levied for each cattle brought into the market.

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He supported the need for infrastructural improvements in the market.

Taking a closer look at the situation, Adamu Garba, the chairman of the market, shared that the government is in the process of planning to construct toilets and additional boreholes to enhance the market’s facilities.

To verify these claims, Neptune Prime reached out to Alhaji Nasiru Mato, Chairman of the United Marketers Association of Potiskum Local Government Area.

Exploring Africa's largest cattle market in Potiskum (Photos)
Kasuwar TK loads approximately 80 cattle-laden trucks every Wednesday.

He verified that the market indeed generates tangible revenue and acknowledged the government’s efforts to bring positive changes to the market.

According to Mato, “It would be beneficial if the government allocates a minimum of 30% of the revenue towards enhancing the market’s infrastructure, especially given its status as Africa’s largest.”

The Secretary to the Potiskum Local Government Malam Bawu also mentioned that they are actively working to implement improvements within the market. However, specific details regarding the utilisation of the market’s revenue were not disclosed to Neptune Prime.

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