National Record trains reporters on fact-checking, data journalism


National Record trains reporters on fact-checking, data journalism

Abuja-based online newspaper National Record wrapped up a two-day training and capacity-building workshop on Wednesday, themed “Fact-Checking and Data Journalism.” The program drew reporters from various media platforms, including Abubakar Kado from Neptune Prime Media House, providing vital skills to enhance journalistic integrity in an age of information overload and misinformation.

National Record trains reporters on fact-checking, data journalism
Abubakar Kado

This workshop marks the final event in a three-year training series that began in 2022, under the coordination of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ). It was held as part of the C-MEDIA project, titled “Collaborative Media Engagement for Development Inclusivity and Accountability,” with funding support from the MacArthur Foundation. This year’s training represented a shift in focus from investigative journalism to fact-checking and data journalism, addressing new challenges posed by social media.

Why the Shift?

In his opening remarks, National Record’s Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Iduh Onah, explained the decision to refocus the training on fact-checking and data journalism. He highlighted how the proliferation of social media has transformed regular citizens into content creators, making it easier for unverified stories to gain traction. “Many journalists now source stories from platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram with little or no fact-checking, which is a worrisome trend,” Onah stated.

He urged participants to develop a habit of verifying all information, particularly from social media, before publishing. “We live in an era marked by deliberate misinformation, and it is crucial for journalists to engage in thorough fact-checking.”

Onah also emphasized that while the previous two years focused on investigative journalism, the fundamental goal remained the same holding leaders accountable at all levels of government, particularly at sub-national levels. He praised the WSCIJ and MacArthur Foundation for their commitment to fostering accountability reporting that exposes corruption and harmful practices, especially in rural areas. “In the past two years, we’ve published several impactful stories from rural areas focusing on environmental pollution and other governance issues,” he said.

Skill Development: Fact-Checking and Data Journalism

The workshop featured four key presentations covering topics such as fact-checking, data journalism, and the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern journalism.

Dr. Theophilus Abbah, the Programme Manager of Daily Trust Foundation, led the first session on “Introduction to Fact-checking and Verification.” He provided participants with essential tools to verify stories and avoid publishing “emotions and biases” masquerading as facts. Abbah stressed the need to scrutinize press statements from government officials and public institutions carefully. “Journalists must avoid malicious stories that seek to destroy reputations, even when the information is technically true,” he advised. He also introduced several online platforms that journalists can use to verify stories, images, and videos.

Mr. Martins Ayotunde, a fact-checker with CFA, further equipped participants with techniques for investigating content from social media under the topic, “Platforms Investigation: An Introduction to Social Media Investigation.” He warned against ‘Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour’ (CIB), where individuals copy and paste content to manipulate public opinion or spread misinformation.

Day two of the training featured Victoria Bamas, Editor at the International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR), who delivered an insightful presentation on “Fact-Checking Visual Claims: Image Verification, Video Verification, and Fact-checking Websites.” She educated participants on how to identify manipulated videos, websites, and audio recordings, offering practical steps to verify their authenticity.

Bamas emphasized the importance of understanding the subtle tricks used to alter visuals and how journalists can prevent the spread of fake news. “Every image or video you see, especially on social media, should be scrutinized thoroughly before you take it as truth,” she said.

The Role of AI and Data in Journalism

In a forward-looking session titled “Leveraging Data Journalism and Artificial Intelligence for News and Content Innovation,” Diego Okenyodo, Executive Director of Akweya TV, enlightened participants on the responsible use of AI in journalism. He underscored the importance of integrating data journalism to enhance storytelling and ensure accuracy. “In today’s fast-paced information age, people no longer have the time or interest to read lengthy stories. Using data to tell your stories can grab their attention and hold it,” Okenyodo said.

He encouraged journalists to embrace AI tools for data collection, analysis, and presentation, but warned that these tools should always be used responsibly, with fact-checking remaining a core element of every story.

The training provided essential knowledge for reporters in an age of widespread misinformation and information disorder. Participants like Amira Rahmat and Abubakar Kado gained hands-on experience in fact-checking, data journalism, and AI’s role in content innovation.

The workshop marked the end of National Record’s three-year collaboration with WSCIJ under the C-MEDIA project. It leaves journalists equipped with the tools to hold leaders accountable and maintain the integrity of the information they disseminate.

With social media continuing to blur the lines between professional journalism and citizen reporting, fact-checking and data journalism are now more critical than ever for ensuring that the truth prevails in an era of misinformation.

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